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Author(s): Fumiaki Nozawa, Mehmet Yalniz, Murat Saruc, Jens Standop, Hiroshi Egami, Parviz M Pour
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): A Niroshan Siriwardena
Quality in Primary CareAuthor(s): Edward Sun, Mathew Tharakan, Sumit Kapoor, Rajarshi Chakravarty, Aladin Salhab, Jonathan M Buscaglia, Satish Nagula
JOP. Journal of the PancreasAuthor(s): Moyez Jiwa, Georgia Halkett, Carolyn O?Shea, Gareth Merriman, Katrina Spilsbury
Quality in Primary CareAuthor(s): Evert Ketting, Aysegu? l Esin
Quality in Primary CareAuthor(s): Abdol Tavabie, Annmarie Ruston
Quality in Primary CareAuthor(s): Marty S Player, James M Gill, Arch G Mainous III, Charles J Everett, Richelle J Koopman, James J Diamond, Michael I Lieberman, Ying Xia Chen
Quality in Primary CareAuthor(s): Rachel Sokal
Quality in Primary CareAuthor(s): Laura Serrant-Green
Quality in Primary CareAuthor(s): Peter Wilcock
Quality in Primary CareAuthor(s): Nelsón Dagoberto Menocal Funez, Aurora Garrote Pascual, MarÃÂa Gil Melcón, José Asensio Calle
Archivos de MedicinaAuthor(s): Richard Baker, Arch G Mainous III, Charles J Everett, Dana E King
Quality in Primary CareAuthor(s): Mercedes López Molina
Archivos de MedicinaAuthor(s): Wilmer Rangel Becerra, Neiris J Villegas Malpica
Archivos de MedicinaAuthor(s): Hassan HM Zaky, Hind AS Khattab, N Nahal
Quality in Primary CareAuthor(s): Mark D Williams, Nancy Jaeckels, Teresa A Rummans, Kristin Somers, Robert E Nesse, R Scott Gorman
Quality in Primary CareAuthor(s): Tania RamÃÂrez González, Milagros Hernández Fernández, Raúl A Fariña Peláez, Marilin RamÃÂrez Méndez
Archivos de MedicinaAuthor(s): John A Morren, Nelleen Baboolal, Gershwin K Davis, Amanda McRae
Quality in Primary CareAuthor(s): Tsakas Marios
Fisheries sciencesAuthor(s): Roupa Zoe
Fisheries sciences