Piezo ultra surgery in rhinoplasty, 6 years experience

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About 40% of final  and patient satisfaction of any liposuction surgery depends on rehabilitation that supposed to be done 3rd day post to the liposuction surgeries, as avoiding acute lymphedema or decrease it as soon as possible after the surgery beside instructions for how to wear corset and compression stockings could help a lot to achieve the best results in the shortest time. The rehabilitation supposed to be done by a certified lymphedema therapist and manual lymphatic drainage massage therapist under the supervision of the surgeon himself to do manual lymphatic drainage massage sessions and other modalities to help patients decrease edema and hardness in the area of the surgery.In this presentation we will discuss together a 6 weeks protocol for rehabilitation post liposuction surgeries from certified lymphedema therapists view and what they can offer for the patients and what they need from the surgeons.

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