Psycho cultural approach in psychological support

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A scientific approach should find its relevance in its clarity and effectiveness in solving a problem. The evolution of science pushes researchers to innovate or renovate taking into account the new paradigms of the moment in order to facilitate the task of practitioners or professionals in their missions. Clinical psychology or psychotherapy cannot be the same, it should keep pace with the evolution of science. From Freud's psychoanalysis to contemporary psychotherapy, the same prejudices persist and practitioners are misunderstood to this day. Our experience in clinical practice has led us to develop an approach that allows us to think differently about our therapies, whether medical or psychological. We tell ourselves that a global approach that associates multiple dimensions of our clients' or patients' lives would provide us with precise knowledge of our practices and appreciable results. The trilogy that triangulates the psyche, the soma and the society-environment is a basic model for understanding the forces at work in behavioral and health behavior. We have applied this basic trilogy to the trilogy of mother, child and society/environment in the field of gynecological-obstetrics to improve maternal health in childbirth and in pediatrics to highlight the important role played by the mother, the family, society, the environment, in short the culture in the development and behavior of the newborn that characterizes this approach that we call the psychocultural approach. This approach is based on the idea that the behavior of a human being is strongly influenced by its culture, which comes from its community with its customs, beliefs, prejudices, ecosystem and all its environment from everywhere it has passed through in its evolution. Good health or equilibrium is found or maintained as long as there is harmony between the peaks of the trilogy, otherwise there is displeasure and illness.
Keywords: Triangulation; Harmony; Psyche; Soma; Mother; Child; Society-Environment; Culture.

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