Modern body sculpting safe protocols and risk management

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Body contouring as a field of plastic surgery have always been in demand among patients. In recent years, one of the most popular and frequently performed operations is complex body liposculpture. The presentation gives statistic data and current understanding of the prevention and treatment of complications. For each key point of the study, a detailed description is given according to the criteria under study. The systematization of the latest knowledge on the most hot issues of body contouring  is shown, methods of objective calculation of risks and some predictive scores are presented, as well as clear safety criteria and recommendations for their correct use in clinical practice are given. This presentation aims to offer strategic approaches in working with patients which need a body contouring plastic surgery performing in several stages or in one complex. Some of doctor Akhmed Rakhimovs scientific publications regarding this field are also included in this report. The presentation offers to give young surgeons or even experienced specialists and others in the audience knowledge and practical approach of making optimal decision in any complicated situation, managing surgical risks allows to avoid minor and major complications. 

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