
GC-MS Determination of Bioactive compounds of Enicostemma littorale (Blume)

In this study, the bioactive compounds of Enicostemma littorale have been evaluated using GCMS. The chemical compositions of the whole plant methanol extract of Enicostemma littorale were investigated using Perkin-Elmer Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The mass spectra of the compounds, found in the extract was matched with characterization and measurement of the central Electrochemical Research institute. GC-MS analysis of E.littorale whole plant methanol extract revealed the existence of the ether compound-Laminaribiitol (79.93%), 12-hydroxy-9-octadecenoic acid (9.546%). Myricetin (4.7519%), 3.3-Methylenebis (4- hydroxycoumarin) (2.811%), catechin (2.002%). The results of this study offer a base of using E.littorale as herbal alternative for the synthesis of antifungal agents.

Author(s): V. Ambikapathy, R. Mahalingam and A. Panneerselvam

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