Decoding Patient Mindset with Marketing

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The word marketing has become a buzzword in dentistry within the past decade. Today, dentists across the world have come to realize that in a competitive, consumer oriented society, they must become involved in marketing to increase their practice loads. They know that if they are not actively involved in marketing, their competition is. Internal marketing and External marketing form the basic pillars of marketing. In recent times, Digital marketing has emerged as one of the most effective ways of modern marketing. With the growth of social networks, many market sectors, including dentistry, have come to value networks such as Facebook and Instagram as useful marketing tools which have been widely used in advertising because they are of great and easy reach to the public, which uses them daily. But the COVID- 19 situation has forced office closures for dentists all over the world. There’s a misconception among many dentists that marketing is just additional expense and is not a mandatory one. As you sit at home, armed with an internet connection and time on your hands, one can help the practice grow, bounce back and get ahead for when it's safe to resume good business and care delivery. Modern dentistry has become a business first and an art and science second. Dentist in order to prepare himself for successful practices in the years ahead, have to learn from the principles of the corporate world, and marketing is one of them.

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