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Journal of Orthopedic Disorders is a peer reviewed scholarly open access journal that accepts research articles, review articles, case studies and short communication in the areas of Orthopedics, Various orthopedic disorders, Disease progression, Advances and Modern scientific methods for treatments of Orthopedic disorders, Pharmaceutical sciences and developments for the cure and treatment of these disorders and Proven clinical facts and Current ongoing Clinical methods of research.

Journal of Orthopedic Disorders is using Online Review and Editorial Manager Systems for quality review process. Editorial Manager System is an online submission and review system, where authors can submit manuscripts and track their progress. Reviewers can download manuscripts and submit their opinions. Editors can manage the whole submission/review/revise/publish process. Publishers can see what manuscripts are in the pipeline awaiting publication. E-mail is sent automatically to concerned persons when significant events occur.

Authors can submit the soft copy prepared manuscript to the editorial office at