
Study of Ochratoxin: A complexation in coffee

To study the complexation of ochratoxin-A (OTA) by coffee in a real environment (in coffee-drink) and with some coffee constituents able to inter act with the OTA as caffeine, chlorogenic acid and arginine. The coffee drink was prepared according to the "filter"method. OTA complexation tests were done at 23°C and at 90-100°C using test tube and filter-paper. OTA was extracted with a methanol / sodium bicarbonate mixture at 3%, purified on the immunoaffinity column “ochraprep” and quantified by HPLC with a fluorimetric detection. The results give a high rate of OTA complexation by the constituents of the hot coffee-drink was obtained. It depends on the volume of the coffee drink and the chemical compound. When hot, the rate of complexation is about 100% with 40 ml of coffeedrinking. After 20 min of heating at 200 ° C, 86.6% of pure OTA were degraded against 12.4% of disappearance of the OTA due to the complexation by caffeine, 11.6% due to arginine and 6% due to chlorogenic acid. However, the products of complexation or degradation are not detectable by fluorimetry.

Author(s): Pauline Mounjouenpou*, Fallo Justin, Bernard Guyot, Joseph-Pierre Guiraud

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