
Quantitative estimation of Rutin from leaves of in vivo and in vitro plants of Ruta graveolens by HPTLC method

Ruta graveolens L., commonly known as Garden rue is member of Rutaceae, has known for its rich aromatic and medicinal properties., widely exploited for its active principles which are of high pharmaceutical value, The plant contains variety of natural compounds, One of the most important flavonoid in R. graveolens L.is Rutin. It has shown a wide range of biological activities. Therefore, efforts have been taken to estimate amount of Rutin from in vivo and in vitro plants of R. graveolens.The powdered leaves were extracted with methanol in a Soxhlet extractor. Standard Rutin and samples were applied to the plates as 8 mm bands on the silica gel HPTLC plate (60 F 254, E. Merck, Germany, 10×10 cm, 0.2 mm thick) as 10 mm wide bands with TLC applicator Linomat 5 with inert gas flow (Camag, Switzerland), The HPTLC plates were developed with developing solvent, Ethyl acetate: Formic acid: Water (8:1:1). Quantitative evaluations of the plates were performed in the reflectance/absorbance mode at 362 nm. The amount of Rutin was estimated by the comparing the peak area of standard Rutin.

Author(s): Ajit A. Kengar* and Govind T. Paratkar

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