
Phytochemical and pharmacological evaluations of Aristolochia bracteolata Lam.

Innumerable plants were used in Indian Systems of Medicine like Siddha, Ayurveda and Unani. There are lacuna were found in many of these plants in their scientific evaluation like pharmacological potential. Aristolochia bracteolata is a common Indian medicinal plant belonging to the family Aristolochiaceae easily available in all seasons,. The plant is mainly used in skin diseases, snake bite, arthritis and diabetes in Siddha system of medicine. Alcoholic and aqueous extracts were prepared by using Soxhlet apparatus. Prelimenary phytochemical screening and pharmacological evaluations like anti inflammatory and antipyretic activities were analyzed by standard methods. The phytochemical screening indicated that the presence of flavonoid and tannin in rich status and the pharmacological evaluation of the drug plant Aristolochia bracteolata has a significant anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties.

Author(s): P Bharathajothi and C T Bhaaskaran

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