
Performance Evaluation and Adaptability of Improved Released Maize (Zea mays L.) Varieties in the Midlands of Fedis District of Eastern Hararghe

Nine released maize varieties with one local check were tested at two sites in randomized complete block design with three replication during 2014/2015 cropping season. The experiment was carried out to test the adaptability of improved mid-altitude maize varieties and identify and select the best high yielding variety/ies for the target area. The treatments consisted of three OPV maize varieties (Gibe-1, Gibe-2 and Raaree-1) and six Hybrid maize varieties (Hora, Jibat, QPM, Argane, kuleni, Wanchi) and one local check were evaluated at two locations. All the varieties were planted with inter row spacing was 0.75 m and intra row spacing of 0.25 m. Urea and DAP were used as a source of N and P at recommended rate of application. The analysis of variance revealed significant (P<0.05) differences in the parameters studied of maize varieties at both location. Significantly hybrid maize variety Argane gave highest grain yield than local and other tested varieties at both locations. These results depicted that across location variety Argane was significantly higher grain yield advantage by about 16.6% over local check followed by QPM over location. Therefore, these varieties are recommended to demonstrate with production packages in midlands of Fedis districts and similar agro ecologies.

Author(s): Fuad Abduselam, Zalaqe Lagese , Samuel Tegene , Fikadu Tadesse Alemayehu Biri and Nasir Siraj

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