
Micropropagation of M. balbisiana and cultivated banana variety “Ambun”, using immature male flowers

Male inflorescences have potential to be used as explants of micropropagation of Musa sp. The male inflorescence of M. balbisiana and cultivated banana variety “Ambun” were cultured on MS medium (1962) supplemented with Benzyl Adenine (BA) as growth regulator, and different concentrations of BA and different sizes of male flower hand were tested for micropropagation. The 10 mg L-1 concentrations of BA showed the highest response in cultivated variety “Ambun” producing number of hands with white colour bodies (WCBs). However, in M. balbisiana produced WCBs in 12 mg L-1 concentrations of BA. But proliferation of shoots were could not be identified in this species. Medium and small sizes of explants produced highest number of hands which having WCBs. The highest number of male flower hands having shoots was observed in cultivated variety “Ambun” of medium size explants. In this variety, immature male flowers were more responsive in micropropagation than the immature male flowers of M. balbisiana.

Author(s): Prabhath GPWA and De Silva T

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