
Effect of earthworm coelomic fluid treating on seed germination of cress (Lepidium sativum) and radish (Raphanus saltivus)

This study analyzed the effect of supplementing soil with coelomic fluid (C.F.) of earthworm on the rate of germination of cress (Lepidium sativum) and radish (Raphanus saltivus) seed. The effects of two different concentration of coelomic fluid (1% and 5% ) were compared to control conditions in which no coelomic fluid was added. C.F. administrated to the soil was found to significantly (P<0.05) accelerate the germination of both types of seeds compared to the control treatment, and the rate of seed germination increased as the concentration of C.F. was increased. C.F. administrated to the soil also significantly (P<0.05) decreased the total fungi count in the soil within four days after administration. No statistically – significant differences in soil N, K and P concentrations were detected four days after C.F. administration.

Author(s): Nebrass F. Al- Khafagi , Faris A. Al-Obaidi and Shahrazad A. Al-Shadeedi

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