
A comparative study of mineral contents in variety of bananas grown in coastal belt of Karnataka, India

The regular consumption of the standard recommended daily intake levels of the vitamins, mineral and other nutrients for our body needs is the first step in keeping a healthy physic and mind. Banana is an edible fruit which is rich in minerals and vitamins. Hence this report presents a comparative study of mineral contents in variety of bananas grown in coastal belt of Karnataka, India. Calcium found to be the most abundant in Galhi banana (47.19 mg per 100g fresh weight), potassium in Cavendish (397.01mg per 100g fresh weight) and sodium in Galhi banana (6.02 mg per 100g fresh weight). The results showed that there is much variation in mineral contents of banana from one variety to other. Present work to determine minerals is based on flame photometry and it is very simple, inexpensive and less time consuming.

Author(s): Kanathur Smitha, B. Ramya Prabhu, Seranthimata Samshuddin* and S. Dhiraj Kamath

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