
Maize is one in every of the foremost versatile rising crop shaving wider ability below varied agro-climatic conditions. Globally, maize is thought as queen of cereals as a result of it's the very best genetic yield potential among the cereals. it's cultivated on nearly one hundred ninety m hour angle in concerning a hundred sixty five countries having wider diversity of soil, climate, multifariousness and management practices that contributes thirty-nine you bored with the world grain production. The us of America (USA) is that the largest producer of maize contributes nearly three hundred and sixty five days of the entire production within the world and maize is that the driver of the U.S.A. economy. In India, Maize is fully grown throughout the year. it's preponderantly a Khari crop with eighty five per cent of the world below cultivation within the season. Maize is that the third most significant cereal crop in Asian nation once rice and wheat. It accounts for around ten per cent of total cereal production within the country. additionally to staple food for creature and quality feed for animals, maize is a basic stuff as Associate in Nursing ingredient to thousands of commercial merchandise that has starch etc.

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