Treatment Options for Congenitally Missing Lateral Incisors

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The treatment of congenitally missing maxillary lateral incisors presents unique challenges to the dental profession and often requires a coordinated interdisciplinary approach involving orthodontists,[1,2,3,4,5,6] oral surgeons, periodontitis, and restorative dentists to achieve optimal esthetic and functional results.[7,8,9,10,11,13] Careful diagnosis and information gathering as well as communication with the patientâ?? and often, depending on age, their parentsâ??is necessary to formulate a treatment plan that will accomplish the desired results and satisfy patient expectations.[13,14,15,16] There are many factors that affect treatment options, such as occlusion; alignment of teeth; patient age; available space; alveolar bone thickness; facial profile; shape, color, and size of the canines; lip position; gingival display; and condition of adjacent teeth.[17,18,19,20] An ideal treatment plan should take into account all of these factors to achieve the esthetic and functional goals with the least-invasive option available.5 This presentation will not recommend a particular treatment modality, but identify the available options and discuss their advantages and disadvantages.[1-20]. Biography: Abu-Hussein Muhamad DDS, DPD (Drodont) Dentistry for Children 1988. Postgraduate taught course (two-years) in Oral Biology/Pathology, Dental Faculty, University of Athens 1998 School Mathematics/Medicine, Athens, 2001. Post graduate at Bioesthetic Dentistry. OBI, International Faculty of Diploma. Roth/Williams Center for Functional Occlusion, Postgraduate Certificate Diploma in Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry. He is currently a member of EAPD (The European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry) and the IAPD (International Association of Pediatric Dentistry). The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD).194publications as author or co-author in peer-reviewed journals/book chapters .120 lectures and CE courses (Cleft lip/palate, Pediatric Dentistry) in many countries.

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