The Problem of Communicating or Computing With Two or More Parties

Charles John*

Department of Computer Science, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Canada

*Corresponding Author:
Charles John
Department of Computer Science, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Canada

Received date: December 31, 2022, Manuscript No. IJIRCCE-23-15782; Editor assigned date: January 02, 2023, PreQC No. IJIRCCE-23-15782 (PQ); Reviewed date: January 11, 2023, QC No. IJIRCCE-23-15782; Revised date: January 22, 2023, Manuscript No. IJIRCCE-23-15782 (R); Published date: January 28, 2023, DOI: 10.36648/ijircce.8.01.102.

Citation: John C (2023) The Problem of Communicating or Computing With Two or More Parties. Int J Inn Res Compu Commun Eng Vol.8 No.01:102.


The state information of a quantum system is known as quantum information. Quantum information processing techniques can be used to manipulate it, which is the fundamental entity of quantum information theory research. The general computational term as well as the technical definition of quantum information in terms of Von Neumann entropy are used interchangeably. It is a field that spans several disciplines, including quantum mechanics, computer science, information theory, philosophy, and cryptography. Its research also applies to fields like neuroscience, psychology, and cognitive science. Its primary goal is to extract information from microscopic matter. Measurement is necessary to quantify an observation, making it essential to the scientific method, and observation in science is one of the most important ways to get information.

Eigen State

Because an Eigen state in one basis is not the same as an Eigen state in the other basis, non-commuting observables cannot be precisely measured simultaneously in quantum mechanics because of the uncertainty principle. An observable is well-defined definite when the system's state is an Eigen state of the observable, as stated by the Eigen state eigenvalue link. A quantum state can never contain definitive information regarding both non-commuting observables because any two non-commuting observables are not simultaneously well defined. A quantum system's state is a physical representation of information. Quantum computation uses quantum information processing techniques to manipulate and process information and carry out logical operations, while quantum mechanics examines matter's properties at the microscopic level. Quantum information science focuses on extracting information from those properties. Digital computers can be used to process quantum information, just like classical information can be transferred from one location to another, manipulated with algorithms, and analyzed using mathematics and computer science. Quantum information deals with qubits, whereas classical information deals with bits as its fundamental unit. Von Neumann entropy can be used to measure quantum information. Due to the potential to disrupt cryptography, communication, and computation today, quantum computing has recently become a hotly debated area of research.

Quantum Information

The transformation of classical physics into quantum physics at the turn of the 20th century marked the beginning of the history of quantum information theory. The ultraviolet catastrophe and electrons spiraling into the nucleus were among the absurdities predicted by classical physics theories. Ad hoc hypotheses were initially added to classical physics to ignore these issues. The theory of quantum mechanics was born when it became clear that a new theory was needed to explain these absurdities. Schrödinger used wave mechanics and Heisenberg used matrix mechanics to create quantum mechanics. Later, it was shown that these methods are the same. Their formulations described the dynamics of microscopic systems, but they did not adequately describe measurement processes in several ways. Von Neumann developed quantum theory by employing operator algebra to describe dynamics and measurement simultaneously. Instead of focusing on a quantitative method for extracting information from measurements, these studies emphasized the philosophical aspects of measurement. Evolution from communication In the 1960s, Stratonovich, Helstrom, and Gordon proposed a quantum mechanics-based formulation of optical communications. Quantum information theory made its first appearance in history at this point. They mostly looked at error probabilities and communication channel capacities. Later, Alexander Holevo found a speed limit for the transmission of a classical message over a quantum channel. The atom trap and the scanning tunnelling microscope became tools for manipulating single-atom quantum states in the 1970s, making it possible to separate and arrange atoms in arrays. Experiments used coarser, simultaneous control over a large number of quantum systems prior to these developments because it was impossible to precisely control a single quantum system. Quantum information and computation received more attention as a result of the creation of viable single-state manipulation methods. In the 1980s, there was interest in whether quantum effects could be used to disprove Einstein's theory of relativity. It would be possible to use entangled quantum states to transmit information faster than the speed of light, disproving Einstein's theory, if it were possible to clone an unknown quantum state. However, such cloning is impossible, as the no-cloning theorem demonstrated. One of the first results of quantum information theory was the theorem. Research in quantum information theory stagnated in the 1980s, despite the excitement and interest in studying isolated quantum systems and attempting to defy the theory of relativity. However, at the same time that quantum information and computation began to be explored, another approach emerged: Cryptography. The problem of communicating or computing with two or more parties who might not trust each other is known as cryptography.

Using the BB84 quantum cryptographic protocol, Bennett and Brassard created a communication channel that makes it impossible to listen in without being noticed. This made it possible to communicate secretly over long distances. Utilizing the fundamental quantum mechanics principle that observation disturbs the observed and the fact that the introduction of an eavesdropper in a secure communication line will immediately inform the parties attempting to communicate of the eavesdropper's presence were the central concepts, Alan Turing demonstrated that any real-world computation could be translated into an equivalent computation involving a Turing machine with the introduction of his revolutionary concepts for a programmable computer, or Turing machine. The Church Turing thesis is the name given to this. Soon after, the first computers were produced, and the growth of computer hardware was encapsulated in an empirical relationship known as Moore's law as a result of production experience. The "law" states that the number of transistors in an integrated circuit doubles every two years. This is a projective trend. Quantum effects started to show up in electronics as transistors got smaller in order to pack more power per surface area, resulting in accidental interference. The development of quantum computing, which makes use of quantum mechanics to create algorithms, resulted from this. At this point, quantum computers seemed to have the potential to solve some specific problems much more quickly than classical computers.

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