Microfluidic based Biosensing Technology Platforms for Detection of Biochemical Markers

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The diagnosis of several serious diseases and medical conditions can be effectively performed by testing for specific molecules present in the body fluids. And the current strategies for diagnosing the diseases ranging from chronic to infectious conditions suffer from serious limitations, in terms of cost, availability, and effectiveness. Past several years, the microfluidics technology is shown as a promising technology for disease diagnosis, prognosis, and screening. This talk primarily focuses on highlighting the scientific insights involved in developing the microfluidics-based technology platforms for biomarkers detection. The fundamental aspects such as surface engineering, fluid- wall-molecular interactions, effect surface energies, biomolecular densities, orientations along with effect of nature of fluids such polar, electrolytic solutions while flowing in the microfluidic channels would be presented. In addition, the technological efforts in developing Si, Glass, Paper, and hydrogel-based sensing systems and translational efforts would be discussed. Further, future research directions in the development of biosensing technology for diagnosing various disease condition would also be discussed.

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