Comments for Gene Editing Using CRISPR: Why the Excitement?

Jia Z*, Kong JC and Zhang J

Nanjing Medical University Affiliated Hangzhou Hospital & Zhejiang Chinese Medical University Fourth Affiliated Clinical Hospital, China

*Corresponding Author:
Jia Z
Department of Hepatopancreatobililiary Surgery
Hangzhou First People's Hospital
Nanjing Medical University Affiliated Hangzhou Hospital
Hangzhou, China
Tel: +86-13958114181

Received Date: October 16, 2017; Accepted Date: October 22, 2017; Published Date: November 04, 2017

Citation: Jia Z, Kong JC, Zhang J (2017) Comments for Gene Editing Using CRISPR: Why the Excitement? Neurol Sci J Vol.1 No.1:5

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Gene editing is a buzzing word in biomedical research fields, and using CRISPR is worldwide recognized as one of the most reliable genetic editing techniques, with a competitive edge. During the processing of gene editing, Cas9 is just like a craftsman's finely edited version to achieve the value of precision gene editing. Many biologists dream in a new gene editing techniques and editing efficiency with a breakthrough, because many human diseases including cancer, Mediterranean anemia, etc., are closely associated with gene mutation or flaws. Therefore, such a high efficiency of repeatable gene editing, for the ultimate goal of curing diseases, undoubtedly has already opened a door of hope. In this article, authors took a series of “Q&A” to comprehensively summarize and answer the public's concerns. At the same time, authors rationally pointed out that scientists in this field had some innovations or discoveries, or both, and just in this process, CRISPR technique was produced. But authors reminded scientists should focus on the technical service object or whether genetic diseases could be cured or not rather than gene editing itself. As the saying of the text end, when a technology unveils the code of nature or secret of the God, it also means the end of the experiment on the technology. This sentence was meaningful and rich in its implications behind. In short, this article is pretty good, with education meaning and more philosophical.

Still, the spotlight of genetic editing technology is not as mature as expected that some talents in this field are eager to find new way raise its efficiency. As a result, any progress in gene-editing technology is deemed to push human being ahead forward a big step, severely, any cheating behaviour will suffer not only failure but also result in academic science crisis. It’s understandable that we early this year reminded researchers, reviewers, and editors as well to keep an eye on academic science [1,2]. We would like to express our worrisome, aiming to adjust researchers' mind map in a right direction. Recently, many pseudo papers were withdrawn from various SCI journals. These scandals also left dirty point in the scandal-makers. It’s not worthy to do so when comparison with life term fame.

To best knowledge, engenderers use machine language to edit program of computer, which has already changed the world, while biomedical scientists are trying to use genetic editing technology to win gene-related disorders once they really unveil the secret of God. So, what we ought to and should to make efforts is to identify gene language. If do so someday, biologists may produce or creative new therapies through genetic editing technology. In this point, neurology science, just like Internet, will bridge connection of different types of life. In our view of point, gene more likely embraces characterized magneticelectronic effects, which also may disrupt or adjust gene-editing. Our hypothesis is worthy further immense studies to confirm. For example, How Cas9 carries out its work under magneticelectronic effects? In addition, in the past decade, some top leading scientists try combining machine with biology, aiming to gear computer think like a human brain. The key to success is to set up easy communication channels via language exchange. No one will doubt these dreams that will become true in the upcoming decade as big data and artificial intelligence era are giving many hypothesize the edge.

Of note, it is believed that human being wills benefit from genetic editing technology when and if it is applied to cure gene-related di4ease or build an effective remedy mechanism. Reversely, lust like nuclear energy, it’s a two-edge sword. In a word, this also may bring risk of disaster. Therefore, everyone should always keep mind clear and alert to safeguard ethic consideration.


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