Cobalt oxide-based nanomaterials as efficient platform for the electrochemical detection of target molecules

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There exist and extended list of metal oxides, which have been employed as catalysts for various technological applications. Amongst the library of many metal oxides cobalt oxide Co3O4 has gained envisioned interest by the researchers due to its diverse morphology, high surface to volume ration, simple preparation methods, low cost and well defined electrochemical redox activity. Co3O4 has been employed in various fields such as engineering, medicine and biomedical fields, and in the field of pure sciences. More specifically in the filed electrochemical application it has shown promising results as an electrode material for electrochemical energy storage/conversion applications and electrochemical detection of target molecules. The current study presents the use of Co3O4 and Co3O4 based nanocomposites as efficient platform for the detection of target molecules.

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