Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride as a Potential inhibitor of Copper Corrosion in 1M HNO3

S Ouattara, PM Niamien*, EB Avo Bilé and A Trokourey

Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, Félix Houphouët Boigny University, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire

Corresponding Author:
PM Niamien
Laboratory of Physical Chemistry
Félix Houphouët Boigny University
Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
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Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride has been tested as an inhibitor of copper corrosion in 1.0 M nitric acid, using mass loss technique and DFT (Density Functional Theory) calculations. The experimental studies have been performed in the concentration range of 0.05 mM to 1 mM and the temperature range of 308 K to 328 K. The results show that the inhibition efficiency of the studied molecule is concentration and temperature dependent. The fractions of surface coverage and the related concentrations were used to fit adsorption isotherms including, Langmuir, El-Awady, Temkin, Freundlich and Flory Huggins. Though the Langmuir isotherm was found to be the best isotherm, it could not be applied strictly because of deviation from the assumptions used to derive this isotherm. So, the appropriate isotherm was the modified Langmuir isotherm. To solve the ambiguity usually associated with the characterization of the adsorption processes of organic compounds, the Dubinin-Radushkevitch isotherm and that of Adejo-Ekwenchi were used. Furthermore, DFT calculations based on B3LYP functional and 6-31G (d) basis set were used to derive the molecular properties of ciprofloxacin. The relationships between the inhibition efficiency and some molecular descriptors have been discussed. The Fukui functions were calculated and used to locate the sites of electrophilic and nucleophilic attacks via the dual descriptor. Quantum chemical studies corroborate experimental results.


Copper, Nitric acid, Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride, Corrosion inhibition, Mass loss, DFT, Chemical descriptors


Due to its good mechanical and electrical properties [1] copper is used in many applications, including, electronics, ware production, sheets, tubes, etc. It is resistant to many chemicals; however, it is known [2,3] that in aggressive media such as acid ones, it undergoes corrosion. Corrosion processes are important matters in industries and academic fields. Many methods have been used to protect metals from it. The use of corrosion inhibitors of the best known methods to combat metal dissolution due to the low cost and easy use [4-6]. Inhibitors have great acceptance in the industries due to their excellent anti-corrosive properties. However, many of them cause damage to the environment. Thus, many researchers lead their works [7-10] toward eco-friendly inhibitors like organic molecules. These organic compounds [11] contain nitrogen, sulphur and/or oxygen atoms. Moreover, many heterocyclic compounds [12,13] have been revealed to be effective inhibitors for metal corrosion in acidic media. The protection of the metal is achieved by adding a small quantity of a chemical compound in its nearby environment. Generally, the inhibition mechanism [14] leads to a uniform film, which as a coating, acts as a physical barrier which isolate the metal from its environment.

Many papers have documented the use of medicinal compounds such as penicillin G [15], nizoral [16], cefixime [17] riboflavin [18], pyridoxine hydrochloride [19], etc.

The aim of the present paper is to investigate experimentally and theoretically, the inhibiting properties of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride against copper corrosion in 1.0 M nitric acid solution, using mass loss technique and DFT studies.

Materials and Methods

Mass loss method

For mass loss measurements, the copper was of chemical composition in percentage Pb: 0.005, Al: 0.006, Fe: 0.006, S: 0.002 and the remainder Cu: 99.8. A sample of 10 mm in length and 2.2 mm in diameter was used. The samples were polished with different grade emery papers up to 4/0 grade, cleaned with acetone, washed with doubly distilled water and dried. The cleaned samples were weighed before immersion in the nitric acid solution for 1 h in the absence or in the presence of various concentrations of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride (molecular formula: C17H18FN3O3, HCl) from Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co, at different temperatures. The mass loss method [20] is the most used method of inhibition assessment due to the simplicity and reliability of the measurements; this technique forms the baseline method of measurements in many corrosion monitoring programs. All tests were made in aerated solutions and were run triplicate to guarantee the reliability of the results. The corrosion rate (W) was calculated according to the equation below:

W=(m1-m2)/St (1)

Where m1 and m2 are respectively the mass (in g) before and after immersion in the test solution, S is the total surface of the sample (in cm2) and t is the immersion time (h). The inhibition efficiency IE (%) is calculated, using the relation below:

IE(%)=(wo-w/wo) × 100 (2)

In equation (2), wo and w are respectively the corrosion rates of copper in the absence and the presence of the tested compound.

Computational method

In order to obtain more information about the molecular descriptors and the inhibitory action of ciprofloxacin, quantum chemical calculations were performed, using Density Functional Theory (DFT). The ground state energy and the physical properties of ciprofloxacin have been calculated, using the Gaussian 03W [21] package. The molecular structure was optimized to a minimum without symmetry restrictions, using B3LYP exchange correlation functional of Lee, Yang and Parr [22,23] associated with 6-31G (d) basis set [24].

Quantum chemical calculations were carried out in the gas phase to ascertain if there is a clear relationship between the molecular descriptors of ciprofloxacin and its inhibition efficiency. The optimized minimum energy geometrical configuration of ciprofloxacin is shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1: Optimized structure of ciprofloxacin by B3LYP/6-31 G (d).

DFT [25] has been found to be successful in providing theoretical insights into the chemical reactivity and selectivity of molecules via chemical concepts like electronegativity (χ), hardness (η), softness (S), electrophilicity index (ω) and local reactivity descriptors including Fukui functions image and the local softness image.

Density functional theory (DFT) states that changes in electronic energy dE[ρ(r)] are related to changes in the number of electrons N and changes in the external potential v(r) felt by the electron distribution (which refers to the nuclear position in chemical systems):

image (3)

According to Parr et al. [26], the chemical potential μp is linked with the first derivative of the energy in respect with the number of electrons and therefore with the negative of the electronegativity by the following equation:

image (4)

Where μp is the electronic chemical potential, E is the total energy, N is the number of electrons, v(r) is the external potential of the system.

The second partial derivative of the energy with respect to the number of electrons has been defined as hardness (η):

image (5)

This quantity [27] measures both the stability and the reactivity of the molecule.

According to Koopman’s theorem [27], the ionization potential (I) and the electron affinity (A) of the inhibitors are calculated using the following equations:

image (6)

image (7)

The electronegativity (χ) [28] which measures the power of an atom or group of atoms to attract electrons towards itself can then be written as:

image (8)

The chemical hardness (η) [29] which expresses the resistance of an atom to charge transfer is estimated using the equation below:

image (9)

The inverse of the hardness known as softness (S) [29] measures the capacity of an atom or group of atoms to receive electrons; it is estimated by the equation:

image (10)

The fraction of electrons transferred from the inhibitor molecule to the metallic surface was calculated using the following equation [30]:

image (11)

Where χM, ηM, χinh and ηinh are respectively the electronegativity and hardness of the metal and the inhibitor. In our study, the theoretical values of electronegativity χcu=4.98eV [31] and hardness ηcu=0 [30] have been used for copper.

The global electrophilicity index, introduced by Parr [32] is given by the equation below:

image (12)

This index [32] measures the propensity of chemical species to accept electrons. A good nucleophile is characterized by a low value of ω whereas a good electrophile is characterized by a high value of ω.

Fukui function [33] is one of the widely used local density functional descriptors to model chemical reactivity and site selectivity; it is defined as the derivative of the electron density image with respect to the total number of electrons N in the system, at constant external potential image acting on an electron due to all the nuclei in the system:

image (13)

The condensed Fukui functions are calculated using Yang and Mortier [34] procedure based on a finite difference method:

image (14)

image (15)

Where qk is the electronic population of atom k in the molecule. The functions ƒk+ and ƒk- are respectively, related to nucleophilic attack and electrophilic attack.

Recently, some authors [35] have proposed a dual descriptor (Δƒ(r)), which is defined as the difference between the nucleophilic and electrophilic Fukui functions:

image (16)

If Δƒk(r)>0, then the site is favoured for a nucleophilic attack, whereas if Δƒk(r)<0, then the site may be favoured for an electrophilic attack.

Results and Discussion

Mass loss method

The effect of the addition of ciprofloxacin at various concentrations on copper corrosion in 1 M HNO3 aqueous solutions for different temperatures is depicted in Figures 2 and 3.


Figure 2: Copper corrosion rate against temperature for different concentrations in ciprofloxacin.


Figure 3: Inhibition efficiency versus temperature for different concentrations in ciprofloxacin.

It is clear from these data that corrosion rate decreases and inhibition efficiency increases when the concentration in the studied molecule increases. These results revealed that copper corrosion is decelerated in the presence of ciprofloxacin at all the concentrations used in this study. The extent of the inhibitory action depends on the amount of ciprofloxacin present.

This behaviour can be explained by the increased adsorption process and a progressive coverage protection of the copper surface when the concentration of the molecule increases. We also note that the increase in temperature leads to an increase in inhibition efficiency, showing that the adsorption of the studied molecule increases when the temperature increases. This observation is suggestive of chemical adsorption [36] and can be attributed to the formation of a complex film between the molecule and copper ions Cu2+ by electron transfer.

To get information on the adsorption mechanism, it is necessary to derive the adsorption isotherm [37] that characterizes the metal-inhibitor/environment system. Attempts were made to fit the coverage rate values θ to some well-known adsorption isotherms including Langmuir (Figure 4), El-Awady (Figure 5), Temkin, Flory Huggins and Freundlich isotherms. Adsorption [38] is regarded as a substitution process between the organic inhibitor in aqueous phase and the water molecules on the metal surface:


Figure 4: Langmuir adsorption isotherm for ciprofloxacin on copper surface in 1M HNO3.


Figure 5: El-Awady adsorption isotherm for ciprofloxacin on copper surface in 1M HNO3.

image (17)

Where, Org(sol), Org(ads), H2O(sol), and H2O(ads) are respectively the organic molecule and water molecule in the aqueous solution and adsorbed on the metal surface. The common general adsorption equation form [39] is given by the following relation:

image (18)

Where ƒ(θ,x) is the configuration factor, which depends on the physical model adopted and the assumptions made in deriving the isotherm. The parameter x represents the number of water molecules replaced by one adsorbed inhibitor molecule. α is the molecular interaction parameter which accounts for the lateral interaction between adsorbed species [40], whilst Cinh is the inhibitor concentration and Kads is the adsorption equilibrium constant. The best fits were obtained with Langmuir and El-Awady isotherms (Table 1).

T(K) Langmuir Isotherm El-AwadyIsotherm
R2 Slope Intercept R2 Slope Intercept
308 0.999 1.2537 0.0546 0.994 0.437 1.8084
313 0.999 1.2498 0.0478 0.934 0.3881 1.6306
318 0.999 1.257 0.038 0.999 0.3331 1.3958
323 0.999 1.2534 0.037 0.998 0.3947 1.7306
328 0.999 1.253 0.0316 0.999 0.3546 1.6186

Table 1: Regression parameters of Langmuir and El-Awady isotherms.

The El-Awady adsorption isotherm [41] is given by the following equation:

image (19)

Where Kads=K1/y; in our work for all temperatures, 1/y>1, suggesting [42] a monolayer adsorption and one inhibitor molecule will occupy more than one active site.

Though the isotherms of Temkin, Freundlich and Flory Huggins have not the highest values of correlation coefficient, they can be taken into account to get useful information about the type of adsorption, such as lateral interactions in the adsorbed layer, heterogeneity of the metal surface, number of water molecules replaced by one molecule of the inhibitor. Table 2 gives the equations of these adsorption isotherms and the related information.

Name Equation Information
Temkin θ=2.303/ƒ[log Kads+logCinh] Ƒ>0:Repulsionbetweenadsorbed molecules.
Freundlich logθ= log Kads+nlogCinh 0<n<1: heterogeneity of the metal surface
Flory-Huggins Log(θ/Cinh)=logKads+xlog(1-θ) x-3 (one molecule of inhibitor replaces 3 water molecules)

Table 2: Temkin, Freundlich and Flory-huggins equations and related information.

The Langmuir isotherm is characterized by the equation below:

image (20)

For this isotherm [43], a slope greater than unity could signify that one of each inhibitor molecule occupies more than one adsorption site; there are interactions between adsorbed molecules on the metal surface, or the adsorption heat (enthalpy) changes with increasing surface coverage. A slight deviation from the ideal conditions (all the adsorption sites are equivalent) occurs. So, the Langmuir model cannot be applied rigorously. Hybrid isotherm may be used as a way out, namely the modified Langmuir [44] (or Villamil) isotherm which equation is given below:

image (21)

A compensation factor “n” is introduced into the conventional Langmuir equation. This factor leads to the effective coverage rate (nθ).

The equations (19) and (21) of the appropriate isotherms were then used to calculate the equilibrium constant values which are related [45] to the change in the free adsorption energy:

image (22)

Where ΔG°ads is the change in free adsorption energy, R is the universal gas constant, T is the absolute temperature and 55.5 is the concentration of water in the solution in molL-1. The obtained values are listed in Tables 3 and 4. For the two isotherms, the values of ΔG°ads are negative at all the studied temperatures, suggesting [46] a spontaneous adsorption of ciprofloxacin on the copper surface.

T(K) Kads(M-1) DG°ads(KJmol-1) DH°ads(KJmol-1) DS°ads(Jmol-1K-1)
308 18315.0 -35.4 23.7 192
313 20920.5 -36.3
318 26315.8 -37.5
323 27027.0 -38.2
328 31645.6 -38.6

Table 3: Thermodynamic functions related to the modified Langmuir adsorption isotherm.

T(K) Kads(M-1) DG°ads(KJmol-1) DH°ads(KJmol-1) DS°ads(Jmol-1K-1)
308 13747.2 -34.7 22.1 184
313 15903.6 -35.6
318 15414.6 -36.1
323 24243.5 -37.3
328 36692.7 -38.4

Table 4: Thermodynamic functions related to El-Awady adsorption isotherm.

Generally, values of ΔG°ads up to -20 kJmol-1 [47] suggests a physisorption mechanism due to electrostatic interaction between the charged molecules and the charged metal. A chemisorption mechanism [47] is concerned when the values of ΔG°ads are around or lower than -40 kJmol-1: it is the result of charges sharing or electrons transfer from the organic molecule to the metal surface to form a coordinate bond. In our case ΔG°ads values range from -39 to -34 kJmol-1: both physisorption and chemisorption exist. The change in standard adsorption enthalpy ΔH°ads and the change in standard adsorption entropy ΔS°ads have been assessed using the thermodynamic basis equation:

image (23)

The plot of ΔG°ads versus temperature gives ΔH°ads and ΔS°ads respectively as intercept and negative of the slope. Figures 6 and 7 give the plots for the two appropriate adsorption isotherms.


Figure 6: Plot of ΔG°ads versus temperature related to Langmuir model.


Figure 7: Plot of ΔG°ads versus temperature related to the model of El-Awady.

The values of ΔH°ads and ΔS°ads are listed respectively in Tables 3 and 4. For all the temperatures studied, ΔH°ads is positive, suggesting [48] an endothermic adsorption process, which supports a chemical adsorption of the molecules on the metal surface. The obtained values of ΔS°ads are positive, showing that disorder takes place during the inhibitor adsorption process, probably [49] due to desorption of water molecules.

The resolution of the ambiguity usually associated with the characterization of adsorption process of organic molecules as inhibitors of metal corrosion in acidic media was achieved using both Dubinin-Radushkevitch [50] and Adejo- Ekwenchi [51] isotherms.

The experimental data were fitted to the Dubinin-Raduskhevitch adsorption isotherm to explain the mechanism of adsorption onto the copper surface. This model is based on the following equation [50]:

image (24)

Where θmax is the maximum surface coverage and δ is the Polanyi potential which is given by:

image (25)

In this equation, R is the universal gas constant, T is the absolute temperature and Cinh is the concentration in gL-1 of the inhibitor. Figure 8 gives the plots of lnθ versus δ2. The obtained parameters are collected in Table 5.


Figure 8: Dubinin-Radushkevitch adsorption model for the adsorption of ciprofloxacin on copper surface.

T(K) R2 A(kJ-2mol2) Em(KJmol-1)
308 0.966 0.0055 9.5
313 0.999 0.0049 10.1
318 0.964 0.0044 10.7
323 0.989 0.0030 12.9
328 0.900 0.0027 13.6

Table 5: The Dubinin-Radushkevitch isotherm parameters.

The mean adsorption energy Em which represents the energy transferred by 1 mol of adsorbate from the infinity (bulk solution) to the surface of the adsorbent is given by:

image (26)

The magnitude of the mean energy [52] gives information about the type of adsorption; Em values less than 8 kJ mol-1 indicate physical adsorption. In our case the values range from 9.5 to 13.6 kJ mol-1, showing a chemisorption process for all the studied temperature.

The Adejo-Ekwenchi isotherm was also used to distinguish between physisorption and chemisorption. This isotherm is based on the following equation:

image (27)

The evolution of the values of the parameter determines [51] the type of adsorption: decrease in values with rise in temperature signifies physisorption, while increase or fairly constant values indicate chemisorption. Figure 9 shows the plots of the studied isotherm. Table 6 gives the obtained values of this parameter.


Figure 9: Adejo-Ekwenchi adsorption model for the adsorption of ciprofloxacin on the copper surface.

T(K) R2 b Intercept
308 0.982 0.30 1.5698
313 1.000 0.27 1.4419
318 0.971 0.26 1.4250
323 0.993 0.26 1.4272
328 1.000 0.22 1.3075

Table 6: Parameters of the isotherm of Adejo-Ekwenchi.

From Table 6, it is clear that the parameter b is fairly constant when the temperature increases, confirming the chemisorption process of the adsorption of ciprofloxacin on the copper surface.

In order to calculate the activated parameters of the corrosion reaction including the activation energy (Ea), the change in activation enthalpy (ΔHa*) and the change in activated entropy (ΔSa*) in the absence and presence of ciprofloxacin at different concentrations, the Arrhenius equation (28) and the transition state equation (29) were used:

image (28)

image (29)

Where R is the universal gas constant, T is the absolute temperature, A is the Arrhenius préexponentiel factor, h is the Planck’s constant and x is the Avogadro’s number.

Plotting the logarithm of the corrosion rate (W) versus the reciprocal of the absolute temperature leads to a straight line with

(-Ea/2.303R) as slope. Figure 10 depicts log W versus 1/T.


Figure 10: logW versus 1/T for the corrosion of copper in 1M HNO3 in the absence and presence of ciprofloxacin.

The plot of log(W/T) versus 1/T leads to a straight line which allows determining ΔHa * from the slope (ΔHa */2.303R) and ΔSa * from the intercept (log R/xh+ ΔSa */2.303R) (Figure 11). All the activation parameters are listed in Table 7.


Figure 11: log (W/T) versus 1/T for the corrosion of copper in 1M HNO3 in the absence and presence of ciprofloxacin.

Concentration (mM) Ea(KJmol-1) DH°ads(KJmol-1) DS°ads(Jmol-1K-1)
0 51.95 51.87 -126.9
0.05 45.00 42.39 -162.7
0.1 32.57 29.91 -284.2
0.5 32.05 28.74 -209.1
1 39.72 37.84 -183.0

Table 7: Activation parameters of the corrosion of copper in 1 M HNO3 in the absence and presence of different concentrations of ciprofloxacin.

From Table 7, it is clear that the values of the activation energy Ea of the inhibited solutions are lower than that of the uninhibited solution, suggesting [53] a chemical adsorption process. The decrease in Ea values in the presence of the inhibitor is indicative [54] of an appreciable increase in the adsorption process of the inhibitor on the copper surface with increase in temperature. The increase in adsorption leads to decrease in corrosion rate due to the lower exposed surface area of the metal towards the nitric acid solution.

The values of the change in activation entropy ΔSa * are negative for both inhibited and uninhibited solutions, what shows that the activation complex in the rate determining step is an association rather than dissociation, meaning [55] that a decrease disorder takes place on going from reactants to the activated complex.

The change in activation enthalpy (ΔHa *) is positive for the inhibited and the uninhibited system, indicating an endothermic dissolution; (ΔHa *) values are lower in the presence of the inhibitor, supporting [56] the formation of copper ions (Cu2+: [Ar] 3d9) with vacant energy level close to the metal, what favours the transfer of electrons from the inhibitor to the metal to form a complex barrier which protects the metal from the aggressive environment.

DFT studies

The molecular parameters calculated are EHOMO (the energy of the highest occupied molecular orbital), ELUMO (the energy of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital), the energy gap (ΔE), the dipole moment μ, the electronegativity χ, the hardness η, and the electrophilicity index (ω). All these parameters are listed in Table 8.

Parameter Value
EHOMO (eV) -5.660
ELUMO (eV) -1.413
ΔE (eV) 4.247
I (eV) 5.660
A(eV) 1.413
χ (eV) 3.536
η(eV) 2.123
S (eV-1) 0.471
μ (Debye) 10.780
ΔN 0.340
ω(eV) 2.945

Table 8: Molecular properties of ciprofloxacin calculated by B3LYP/6-31G (d).

EHOMO and ELUMO are very popular quantum parameters; they determine [57] the way the molecule interacts with other species. HOMO acts as an electron donor, whereas LUMO acts as electron acceptor. The frontier molecular theory [58] states that the formation of a transition state is due to an interaction between HOMO and LUMO orbitals of the reactants. The obtained value of EHOMO (-5.660 eV) can be considered as a high value when compared to values reported in the literature [59-61], indicating the tendency of ciprofloxacin to donate electrons to the empty molecular orbital of copper ions. For the calculated ELUMO (-1.413 eV), the low value compared with that reported in the literature [60-62] indicates the ability of the studied molecule to accept electrons.

The energy gap (ΔE=ELUMO-EHOMO) is an important parameter related to the reactivity of the organic molecules. Lower values of energy gap [63] lead to good inhibition efficiency because the energy to remove an electron from the last occupied orbital is low. In our case the obtained value (4.247 eV) is low when compared with that of many molecules reported [64,65] in the literature.

The ionization energy (I) is one of the fundamental descriptors of chemical reactivity of molecules. High ionization energy signifies chemical inertness (high stability) and small ionization energy [66] expresses high reactivity of the molecule. In our study, the low value (I=5.660 eV) shows that ciprofloxacin can easily give electrons to copper.

The molecular stability and reactivity is measured by both the absolute hardness (η) and the absolute softness (S). The chemical hardness [67] indicates the resistance towards the deformation or polarization of the electron cloud of the molecules under small perturbations. In our work, the low value of hardness (η=2.123 eV) and relative high value of softness (S=0.471 eV-1) when compared [65,68] to values obtained for many molecules. in the literature shows the ability of ciprofloxacin to give electrons to copper.

The dipole moment (μ) is an important electronic parameter, used for the prediction of the direction of the corrosion inhibition process. This parameter [69] results from the non-uniform distribution of charges on the atoms in a molecule. It is generally agreed [70] that the adsorption of high polar compounds possessing high dipole moment on the metal surface should lead to better inhibition. The dipole moment of ciprofloxacin (μ=10.780 Debye) is high when compared with the values obtained for many other molecules in the literature [70,71], indicating higher inhibition efficiency.

The number of electrons transferred (ΔN=0.340) [72] shows that the inhibition efficiency resulting from electron donation agrees with the Lukovits study.

The global electrophilicity index () is the measure of the electrophilic tendency of a molecule (energy lowering process on soaking electrons from potential donors). In our case the obtained value (ω=2.945 eV) [73] can be considered as a high value when referred to literature, indicating that the molecule can receive electrons from copper. In order to rationalize the reactivity of individual atoms in the molecule, the local parameters of Fukui have been computed. Calculated values of qN+1, qN, qN-1, ƒk +, ƒk- and Δƒr) are presented in Table 9. The HOMO and LUMO orbitals are given in Figure 12.

Atom qk(N+1) qk(N) qk(N-1) ƒk+ ƒk- k+)-(ƒk-)
1C 0.310957 0.267440 0.393364 0.043517 -0.125924 0.169441
2C -0.305356 -0.189363 -0.257790 -0.115993 0.068427 -0.184420
3C 0.029745 0.020639 0.042703 0.009106 -0.022064 0.031170
4C 0.319823 0.336240 0.374073 -0.016417 -0.037833 0.021416
5C -0.302020 -0.168447 -0.248514 -0.133573 0.080067 -0.213640
6C 0.254815 0.298647 0.321610 -0.043832 -0.022963 -0.020869
7H 0.140455 0.194364 0.233235 -0.053909 -0.038871 -0.015038
8C 0.353484 0.247422 0.410538 0.106062 -0.163116 0.269178
9H 0.111818 0.151980 0.194552 -0.040162 -0.042572 0.002410
10C -0.088413 0.124856 0.048059 -0.213269 0.076797 -0.290066
11C -0.065583 0.006826 -0.047252 -0.072409 0.054078 -0.126487
12H 0.128250 0.215285 0.233105 -0.087035 -0.017820 -0.069215
13N -0.553704 -0.573640 -0.545817 0.019936 -0.027823 0.047759
14H 0.282303 0.283913 0.344757 -0.001610 -0.060844 0.059234
15N -0.498084 -0.607289 -0.439329 0.109205 -0.167960 0.277165
16N -0.532714 -0.715470 -0.555288 0.182756 -0.160182 0.342938
17O -0.580581 -0.426503 -0.428081 -0.154078 0.001578 -0.155656
18C 0.504014 0.413233 0.578146 0.090781 -0.164913 0.255694
19O -0.641210 -0.601090 -0.600962 -0.040120 -0.000128 -0.039992
20H 0.361651 0.383697 0.430880 -0.022046 -0.047183 0.025137
21O -0.535445 -0.375339 -0.417409 -0.160106 0.042070 -0.202176
22F -0.332938 -0.329283 -0.252404 -0.003655 -0.076879 0.073224
23C -0.101839 -0.065500 -0.169992 -0.036339 0.104492 -0.140831
24H 0.116212 0.136438 0.208349 -0.020226 -0.071911 0.051685
25H 0.144590 0.143205 0.187114 0.001385 -0.043909 0.045294
26C -0.133437 -0.107957 -0.138777 -0.025480 0.030820 -0.056300
27H 0.117173 0.136840 0.191284 -0.019667 -0.054444 0.034777
28H 0.113376 0.123006 0.156712 -0.009630 -0.033706 0.024076
29C -0.134824 -0.107625 -0.146269 -0.027199 0.038644 -0.065843
30H 0.119413 0.140632 0.194053 -0.021219 -0.053421 0.032202
31H 0.117171 0.128291 0.162800 -0.011120 -0.034509 0.023389
32C -0.122961 -0.098987 -0.174970 -0.023974 0.075983 -0.099957
33H 0.164907 0.177149 0.210514 -0.012242 -0.033365 0.021123
34H 0.115331 0.140573 0.209652 -0.025242 -0.069079 0.043837
35C 0.032420 0.013632 -0.027312 0.018788 0.040944 -0.022156
36C -0.307340 -0.271397 -0.316871 -0.035943 0.045474 -0.081417
37C -0.325006 -0.295129 -0.327692 -0.029877 0.032563 -0.062440
38H 0.128105 0.175471 0.198516 -0.047366 -0.023045 -0.024321
39H 0.166583 0.175486 0.186850 -0.008903 -0.011364 0.002461
40H 0.125626 0.157038 0.184445 -0.031412 -0.027407 -0.004005
41H 0.129868 0.165029 0.202242 -0.035161 -0.037213 0.002052
42H 0.173365 0.175687 0.197177 -0.002322 -0.021490 0.019168

Table 9: Mulliken atomic charges, Fukui functions and dual descriptor of ciprofloxacin.


Figure 12: HOMO (left) and LUMO (right) of ciprofloxacin.

The analysis of Table 9 shows that according to the Fukui functions and the dual descriptor, N (16) (in the LUMO region) which has the highest value of ƒk + and a positive value of Δƒk(r) is the site of nucleophilic attack.

It can also be seen that C (23) (located in the HOMO region) with the highest value of ƒk- and a negative value of Δƒk(r) is the site of electrophilic attack. The analysis of Table 9 shows that according to the Fukui functions and the dual descriptor, N (16) (in the LUMO region) which has the highest value of ƒk + and a positive value of Δƒk(r) is the site of nucleophilic attack.

It can also be seen that C (23) (located in the HOMO region) with the highest value of ƒk - and a negative value of Δƒk(r) is the site of electrophilic attack.


From our study, the following conclusion can be drawn:

- Ciprofloxacin is a good inhibitor for copper corrosion in 1M HNO3 for the studied temperatures and concentrations and the inhibition efficiency increases with increasing concentration and increasing temperature.

- The thermodynamic adsorption and activation parameters support a chemical adsorption mechanism;

- The modified adsorption isotherm and that of El-Awady are the appropriate isotherms

- The Dubinin-Radushkevich isotherm and that of Adejo-Ekwenchi confirm the chemical adsorption process;

- The calculated molecular descriptors show reasonably good correlation with the inhibition efficiency of the studied molecule;

- The Fukui functions and the dual descriptor show that N (16) and C (23) are respectively the nucleophilic and the electrophilic attacks sites.


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