The study was designed to evaluate the nootropic potential of murraya koengii leaves by using object recognition test in albino rats. The apparatus is composed of open box (16x5cm) with an open roof. The object recognition test includes 3 sessions A) The first day training session which consist of placing all the rats one by one in an empty recognition chamber for 5 minutes so that the rats get habituated in the environment (habituation). B) On Second day, test session begins (acquisition) where in the control rats are allowed to explore 2 different objects of same size, color and weight but with different shapes for period of 5 minutes (F&F1) and the time taken by each rat to explore the objects (rat touches its nose or places its nose at a distance of 2 cms from the object) was recorded. Repeat the same procedure with test and standard treated rats after one hour of administration of murraya koengii chloroform extract 100 mg/kg and Piracetam 200 mg/kg. C) The Third day session includes administration of an amnesic drug propofol (0.5 ml/200g) i.p to all the groups and then exploring the control, test and standard treated rats to one familiar object (F) and a new object (N) for a period of 5 minutes. Discrimination index which is an index of memory is calculated in all the groups of rats. It was found that discrimination index of murraya koengii chloroform extract 100 mg/kg treated rats was 0.714± 0.615 which is greater than the discrimination index of control treated rats (0.302± 0.014). This increase in discrimination index with murraya koengii leaf extract rats when compared to control rats indicates the presence of nootropic activity in murraya koengii leaves. Standard (piracetam 200mg/kg) treated rats exhibited discrimination index of 0.729± 0.192. Phytochemical screening of murraya koengii leaves reveals the presence of carbohydrates, alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, proteins, triterpenes, resins and phytosterols. Hence any of the above mentioned active constituents in murraya koengii leaves may be responsible for its nootropic potential.
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