
Euro Herbal Medicine 2020-Role of diet and lifestyle for infertility- Jitendra Arya- Institute for nature cure and yogic sciences

Sterility, also mentioned as infertility, is defined as an inability to conceive a toddler after trying to try to so for a minimum of one year. Infertility primarily refers to the inability of a private to contribute to conception biologically. Infertility can also ask the state of a lady who is unable to hold a pregnancy to term. There are many biological causes of infertility, some which can be bypassed with medical intervention. Sterility can affect both men and ladies, with the cause involving either one or both parties.
Women who are fertile experience a natural period of fertility before and through ovulation, and that they are naturally infertile during the remainder of the cycle. Methods on Fertility awareness are used to discern when these changes occur by observing the changes in basal body temperature or cervical mucus.
For a person to be fertile, the testicles must produce enough healthy sperm to be ejaculated effectively into the woman’s vagina.
For a lady to be fertile, the ovaries must release healthy eggs regularly. In addition, her reproductive tract must allow the eggs and sperm to pass into her fallopian tubes to become fertilized and implanted within the uterus. 

There are many factors that contribute to sterility like age, lifestyle, physical, and environmental conditions. Sterility is an emotional journey for the couple trying to become pregnant, and feelings of anger, guilt, and depression aren't uncommon. 
Risk factors for both men and women are the same and these include stress, being underweight or overweight, diet, smoking, alcohol and drugs. 

Sterility is assessed into two groups, primary and secondary. 
• Primary sterility means a pregnancy has never occurred. Primary sterility are often thanks to the male or the feminine partner.
• Secondary fertility involves who have conceived previously, but is now unable to do so because of a possible physical or medical condition impairing fertility. A woman who keeps having miscarriages is also considered infertile. secondary sterility is merely thanks to problems with the woman’s genital system.

Age plays quite critical role, as fertility peaks for both men and ladies in their mid-twenties. Male fertility starts declining in their age of thirties, while women older than 35 years may experience problems like conceiving. 
Factors which will cause male also as female infertility are:
•    Genetic Factors 
•    A Robertsonian translocation in either partner may cause repetitive complete infertility or spontaneous abortions. 
•    General factors
•    Diabetes mellitus, thyroid disorders, adrenal disease Hypothalamic-pituitary factors
•    Kallmann syndrome 
•    Hyperprolactinemia 
•    Hypopituitarism Environmental Factors 
•    Toxins like glues, volatile organic solvents or silicones, physical agents, chemical dusts, and pesticides. Tobacco smokers are 60% more likely to be infertile than non-smokers. Smoking reduces the probabilities of IVF producing a birth by 34% and increases the danger of an IVF pregnancy miscarrying by 30%. 
German scientists have reported that an epidemic called Adeno associated virus may need a task in male infertility, though it's otherwise not harmful. Mutation that alters human DNA adversely can cause infertility, the physical body thus preventing the contaminated DNA from being passed on. This could explain why some radiation victims from Chernobyl incident couldn't produce children. 
The Most Common Causes of Male Sterility: 
There are several causes of male sterility, including:
•    Abnormal sperm production 
•    Impaired delivery of sperm
•    Testosterone deficiency
•    Genetic defects
•    Un-descended testes
Also, erectile dysfunction or low libido can make the process of procreation that much more difficult. 

Common Causes of Female Sterility: 
The most common causes of female sterility include: 
•    Fallopian tube damage or blockage
•    Ovulation disorders
•    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) 
•    Endometriosis 
•    Early menopause 
•    Pelvic adhesions 
•    Benign uterine fibroids 
•    age-related factors 
•    uterine problems 
•    previous tubal ligation 

 If you and your partner are trying for quite a year to become pregnant, or both of you are over thirty and battling, it's good idea consult your gynecologist, obstetrician or urologist for further investigation. 
It is important to undergo a radical fertility evaluation to work out the matter. 

Testing for Men:
 In the case of men, a general physical examination are going to be performed, with discussions concerning medical record, illnesses, disabilities, medications and sexual habits. Tests like semen analysis, hormone testing, transrectal and scrotal ultrasound can also be performed. 
The alterations of the seminal parameters are an easy symptom! It is always necessary to define the cause in order to apply an adequate therapy. 
1) The history of the patient is prime so as to reveal possible damaging elements in his life habits (smoking, alcohol, narcotics, a life rhythm which is just too intense with too few hours of sleep, sexual habits, etc.) and risk in his business life and in his environment (excessive heat, radiation, solvents, pesticides, estrogens in his food, anabolic steroids, magnetic fields, etc.) 
2) The semen examination: This must always be carried out in a laboratory that is specialized and executed solely according to the World Health Organization standards. This is an element of the diagnostic and prognostic fundamentals and therefore should be absolutely reliable! It is always an honest concept the patient follow through with a minimum of two examinations so as to discriminate the pathology from that which are merely physiological oscillations in the production of sperm. 

Testing for Women:
Women should track their ovulation by recording their basal blood heat for several months, checking their cervical mucus employing a home ovulation test kit. 
Blood tests or vaginal smears on certain days of your menstrual cycle, specifically:
•    Estradiol (E2): Day of LH surge, as detected by BBT and/or OPK (generally mid-cycle) 
•    Total & free testosterone 
•    Thyroxin (T4), TSH, Free T3 
•    Luteinizing hormone (LH): Day 3 & Day of surge 
•    Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH): Day3 & Day of LH surge 
•    Prolactin 
•    Progesterone: Day of LH surge 
•    DHEAS 
Other tests that may be performed initially include: 
•    STD cultures or DNA probe
•    VDRL for syphilis HIV & hepatitis screen 
•    Complete blood count (CBC) 
•    Urinalysis o Fasting insulin 
•    Sedimentation (Sed) blood rate 
•    Sickle cell screen


Jitendra Arya is a lover of mind body medicine which emphasis on Ancient Indian Healing Sciences likes meditation, spiritual healing, and yoga, Nature Cure, Ayurveda and Herbal Medicine. He has done pioneering add the sector of Nature Cure as how the life and Naturopathy, a system of drugs on modern lines. At 50 yrs, he already has an authority on the topic of Nature Cure and has succeeded in running and establishing number of Nature Cure Centres by being Chief Consultant and inspirational force in getting such centres established. 
He pursued Diploma in Yoga from Kundalini Yoga Institute Lucknow and went through advance practice of Vipassana Meditation, Doctorate in Nature Cure. He holds a Doctorate of drugs (Medicina Alternativa) from the Open International University for free of charge Medicines, Sri Lanka recognised by the UN Peace University.

Bottom line: This work is partly presenting at 10th International Conference on Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture on October 19-20, 2020 at Athens, Greece

Author(s): Jitendra Arya

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