
Determinants of surgical site infections in a hospital environment

Infections of surgical sites have a socio-professional and economic repercussions, they prolong the length of hospital stay, delay the resumption of professional activity and cause moral and financial damage, and even death. The objectives of this work were to determine the prevalence of infections at surgical sites, to identify the antisepsis and asepsis procedures used, to determine the associated factors, to list the types of intervention carried out, to identify the mode of treatment. 'intervention and to determine the common postoperative antibiotics. We conducted atransversal at the Kamina General Reference Hospital for a period of three months, from May 10 to August 10, 2021. The observation technique supported by a data collection grid, the structured interview technique supported by a questionnaire and the documentary review were used for data collection.

Author(s): Mbutshu Lukuke Hendrick

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