Computer Graphics & Animation 2019 Conference invited academicians, experts, illustrators, craftsmen, diversion engineers and specialists around the world to the Alamo City. It was an astounding 02-day occasion with 02 Keynote Speaker and prestigious speakers tending to the sessions with key issues and research highlighting; Animation, Rendering, Simulation and Modeling, Imaging and Image Processing, Virtual Reality, Mixed and Augmented Reality, Human-Computer Interaction, Visualization, Game Design and Development, 3D-Printing, Computer Vision and other Computer Graphics Applications.
Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games (ECGG) -- an authoritative reference work covering the history, technologies, and trends of computer graphics and games catered to industry professionals and academic communities worldwide.
Established in 2004, the Institute for Education, Research, and Scholarships (IFERS) is an award-winning California-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity organization dedicated to improving society by providing resources to high achieving students, scientific researchers, community non-profits, and educational organizations for more than 12 years.
Highlights from the gathering incorporated the Keynote Forum:
Session Chair:
James Parker, Full Professor, University of Calgary, Canada
All the above mentioned Honourable Guests and Keynote speakers gave their energetic and fruitful contributions and special thanks to Prof John Balfour McIntosh, Visiting Professor & Vice-Dean, ShanghaiTech University, China, Mr. Koichi Noguchi, Producer / VFX Supervisor, Toei Animation, Japan, and Moderator Ms. Rupinder Kaur, India for her remarkable contribution towards smooth functioning at Computer Graphics & Animation 2019 Conference.
For past conference website kindly follow this link: