Acquired ochronosis: Psychosocial impact on patients

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An even toned face and body is very appealing because it exudes health, confidence and beauty. The illegal use of hydroquinone cosmetics has resulted in many developing acquired ochronosis. Many African patients with dark skin use skin lightening products to try even their skin tone. Skin lightening methods used range from the use of foods (such as lemons) to cosmetics products with hydroquinone. The most debilitating side effect from unregulated use of hydroquinone is the hyperpigmentation that makes uneven skin tone more prominent and worse than patients ever expected. Vulnerable communities are not aware of the harmful side effects of the use of skin lightening products sold on the black market. The most debilitating consequences for patients with acquired ochronosis has been: Low selfesteem, isolation and bullying amongst peers, depression and suicide, difficulty securing jobs that recur customer face to face encounter.

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