
Endophthalmitis is an infection of the tissues or fluids inside the eyeball. it's an urgent medical emergency. If you've got symptoms, see an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. Endophthalmitis can blind you if it’s not treated quickly. There are two main sorts of endophthalmitis. Exogenous Endophthalmitis. this is often the foremost common sort of endophthalmitis. With this sort , the source of the infection comes from outside the body. Bacteria or fungi gets inside the attention from surgery, an injection into the eyeball or an eye fixed injury. Puncture wounds to the attention are the foremost likely explanation for endophthalmitis. Symptoms usually begin within only a couple of days of an eye fixed procedure or injury. When symptoms begin quickly like this, it's acute endophthalmitis. The infection also can develop more slowly. When symptoms take longer to emerge, it's chronic endophthalmitis. This happens when specific sorts of bacteria or fungi enter the attention . Endogenous Endophthalmitis. this is often the second main sort of endophthalmitis. It starts as an infection in another a part of the body and spreads to the attention . for instance , this will happen with a tract infection or blood infection.

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