Burden of Disease

It is a modeling technique that combines multiple data sources to count and compare the total fatal and non-fatal health loss from diseases and injuries in a population, and its attribution to specific risk factor. Disability adjusted life years is one of the measure of burden of disease.
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Clinical Infectious Diseases & Practice Open Access,Emerging Infectious Diseases Open Access,Mycobacterial Diseases, Journal of Infectious Diseases & Therapy, Journal of Tropical Diseases & Public Health, Journal of Ancient Diseases & Preventive Remedies , Air & Water Borne DiseasesClinical Infectious Diseases, Journal of Infectious Diseases , Emerging Infectious Diseases,   American Journal of Kidney Diseases,  Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases,  Lancet Infectious Diseases, The  Diseases of the Colon and Rectum,  Neurobiology of Disease, Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal.

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