Use of Southern Benin plants in the treatment of typhoid fever: role of herbalists

6th Edition of International Conference on Pharmacognosy and Medicinal Plants
April 16-17, 2018 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Dougnon V, Legba B, Yadouleton A, Agbankpe J, Koudokpon H, Hounmanou G, Bankole H S, Dougnon J and Baba-Moussa L

Research Unit of Applied Microbiology and Pharmacology of Natural Substances, Benin Universitte de Parakou, Benin Laboratory of Biology and Molecular Typing in Microbiology, Benin

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Am J Ethnomed

DOI: 10.21767/2348-9502-C1-006


Salmonella spp. is pathogenic bacteria responsible for typhoid and paratyphoid fevers. Herbalists are one of the main users of primary health care for people in developing countries. They contribute to the conservation of plants and endogenous knowledge. The aim of this study was to establish the potential of the Benin flora for the treatment of salmonellosis. It was carried out thanks to an ethnopharmacological study of medicinal plants sold. It was conducted with 90 herbalists located in 30 markets in Southern Benin. The method used is Triplet Purchase of Medicinal Recipes. This technique consisted in visiting the same herbalist three times in a weekly interval. These visits allowed us to buy plants suspected of treating a patient suffering from typhoid fever. At each visit, the herbalist was told that his treatment was effective but that the treatment was very difficult for the patient. The technique then allowed to check the concordance in the recipes proposed by these herbalists during the three visits and to identify the most cited plants in its recipes. In this study, 57 plant species sold by herbalists were identified. Senna siamea (8.32%), Phyllantus amarus (4.16%), Uvaria chamae (3.56%), Acacia siberiana (2.97%), Heterotis rotundifolia (2.97%), Crateva adansonii (2.77%), Citrus aurantiifolia (2.77%), Acanthospermum hispidum (2.57%), Corchorus olitorius (2.57%) were the most sold. Waiting to go through further biological explorations of their activities, extracts from these plants could be a source of Improved Traditional Medicines for the treatment of typhoid fever.

