Placental morphometry and newborn conditions in two Imbabura hospitals, Ecuador

EuroSciCon Event on Nursing Diagnosis & Midwifery
September 10-11,2018 Prague,Czech Republic

Viviana Margarita Espinel Jara, Maria Ximena Tapia Paguay and Rocio Elizabeth Castillo Andrade

North Technical University, Ecuador

ScientificTracks Abstracts: J Nurs Health Stud

DOI: 10.21767/2574-2825-C4-011


The placenta is an indispensable transitory organ, allows the adequate development of the product of conception. Its dysfunction can cause fetal complications, intrauterine growth retardation and maternal complications such as preeclampsia. This study allowed differentiating placental morphometry and newborn conditions in two hospitals in Imbabura – Ecuador: qualitative-quantitative, non-experimental, correlational, descriptive and cross-sectional design, carried out in two groups of women with full-term pregnancies, without complications. Pregnant women attended at the Ibarra Hospital were from different ethnic groups; the pregnant women of the Otavalo Hospital are exclusively indigenous. The stratification of the socioeconomic level is obtained by applying the INEC survey; anthropometry and morphometry with the use of digital electronic scales and metric tapes. Among the main results, the average low socioeconomic level predominates; APGAR assessment remains in non-compromising ranges, anthropometry as well as placental morphometry remain within normal parameters; oval placental discs are predominantly identified in otavaleña mothers. Note that the placental reasons in both hospitals tend to be abnormally high, presuming diminution of both placental reserves and optimal fetal growth. Conclusions in Otavalo, the majority of placentas presented an oval shape, greater weight and greater size, in comparison with those of the Ibarra canton. Despite the high values of the placental reasons, the neonates under study were placed on normal parameters in terms of anthropometry and APGAR. The information obtained allows us to affirm that the children of indigenous mothers born in Otavalo had the best physiological morphological characteristics.


Viviana Margarita Espinel Jara holds a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing from the Technical University of North Ibarra Ecuador and a Master's Degree in Family Health at the Universidad Técnica del Norte. She has served as Chief Nurse at the Joya de los Sachas Health Center in Francisco de Orellana, and in the Provincial Health Directorate of Napo where she fulfilled her duties as Head of the Department of Intercultural Health, as well as a Nurse of direct care at the IESS Ibarra Ecuador Hospital. At the moment, he is the Coordinator of the Nursing Career at al Universidad Técnica del Norte, Teacher of the Career of the Technical University of the North, Member of the Editorial Board as Editorial Secretary of the Scientific Journal of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Universidad Técnica del Norte with ISSN 1390-910X.
