National program of research - patient and workforce safety outcomes before and during COVID-19

Global Summit on Nursing care and Midwifery
May 26-27, 2021 | Webinar

Patricia Quigley

AvaSure, LLC

ScientificTracks Abstracts: J Contracept Stud


Patient engaged video surveillance (PEVS) is the leading edge technology that has successfully created a safety net for patients where harm is rare and nursing workforce is protected from patient assaults. During COVID-19, healthcare organizations reengineers this program to protect, engage, and comfort patients in urgent, emergent and isolation environments.Healthcare organizations have over-relied on failing workforce solutions to resolve and prevent mostly unwitnessed adverse events, reluctant to integrate innovative technology with proven success. PEVS, integrated in over 60% of the largest healthcare organization in the US, has secured the trust of the nursing workforce, resulting on population-based safety outcomes, measurable interventions preventing harm to patients and nursing workforce, and attracting additional interdisciplinary team to care for patients in isolation environments. The audience will be introduced to the most current research , 2019-2021, multisite national studies. Briefly, participants will learn about the structures, processes and outcomes of program redesign to expand capacity during unprecedented demand on nursing and healthcare workforce. During the initial COVID-19 surge months, resilient, expert, nursing and health workforce repurposed this successful program to meet the needs of patients, families, pastoral care during urgent and emergent isolation environments. Participants will learn about the structures, processes and outcomes of program redesign to expand capacity during unprecedented demand on nursing and healthcare workforce.


Quigley, a Nurse Consultant, Retired Associate Director, VISN 8 Patient Safety Center of Inquiry, is both a Clinical Nurse Specialist and a Nurse Practitioner in Rehabilitation. Her contributions to patient safety, nursing and rehabilitation are evident at a national level – with emphasis on clinical practice innovations designed to promote elders’ independence and safety. She is nationally known for her program of research in patient safety, particularly in fall prevention. The falls program research agenda continues to drive research efforts across health services and rehabilitation researchers. Pat is an Independent Contractor with AvaSure, LLC.

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