Health inequalities and AIDS: pilot study on knowledge in the nursing profession

Infectious Diseases and STD-AIDS
April 26-27, 2018 Rome, Italy

Cotichelli Giordano, Di Meo Giorgia and Nwafor Lorenza

ASUR Area Vasta 2, Italy University Hospital of North Durham, UK Marche Polytechnic University, Italy

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Transm Dis Immun

DOI: 10.21767/2573-0320-C1-003


Background: The different allocation of the resources and the healthcare services accessibility show the equity in the healthcare system either horizontally or vertically: the first one as equality of the treatments in the same need conditions and the second one as based on socioeconomic conditions. STD and AIDS also are affected by the social health determinants (Penman-Aguilar et Al, 2013). Different nursing aspects present the equity as values and rules. The ICN equity form (2011) shows the importance of nurseâ�?�?s knowledge about this subject. Aim: The aim of this study was to test the nurseâ�?�?s perception about the equity connected to scientific outputs. Method: Quantitative assessment of PubMedâ�?�?s results has been done using the words â�?�?AIDSâ�? and â�?�?nurseâ�?, linked with health inequalities synonyms as equity, disparities, inequities and inequalities. Qualitative appraisal of the inequalities perceptions has been carried out in a healthcare professional population (n=366) by questionnaire. Results: The numbers noticed, in comparison with the words, are: equity (n=46), disparities (n=144), inequities (n=18) and inequalities (n=711). Those numbers are lower if the research is made within the title. The questionnaire answers showed a different perception of disparities in healthcare: horizontal equity=22%, vertical equity=63%, no perceptions=15%. Discussion: The audit shows that bibliography needs to develop, even if few articles already take in consideration the main elements of nursing care for patient with HIV, as health education (Holzer et Al, 2004) or stigmaâ�?�?s fight (Philips et Al, 2016). Generally, the assessed population pointed out functional healthcare inequalities knowledge by the nurses, especially for AIDS positive patients. Conclusions: Nurseâ�?�?s assistance to AIDS positive patients is strictly associated to the improvement of the perception and the bibliography about healthcare inequalities, which is useful for an appropriate access to the healthcare system and for patients care.