Aboriginal people living with HIV/AIDS (APHA) peer mentor training

Infectious Diseases and STD-AIDS
April 26-27, 2018 Rome, Italy

Julie Thomas and Arthur Miller

Executive Director, Healing Our Nations, Canada

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Transm Dis Immun

DOI: 10.21767/2573-0320-C1-003


Objectives: The objective is to introduce Indigenous specific APHA peer mentor training (train the trainer). Discuss how to plan and implement APHA peer mentor training for Indigenous people living with HIV/AIDS. Methods: This program is believed to be ground breaking, in that many AIDS Service Organizations, Indigenous or nonindigenous, do not have a formal manner in which to have peer mentors offer guidance to newly diagnosed APHAs (Aboriginal people living with HIV/AIDS). This program contains a number of documents and tools that can train peer mentors to fulfill this needed role and offer guidance and support to others in need. Stepping into this role can also help the peer mentor on their personal spiritual journey. Results: Engaging indigenous people living with HIV/AIDS increase capacity, access to treatment and care for people living with HIV/AIDS, decrease transmission rates and reduce stigma and discrimination. Conclusion: Peer mentors are essential to sustaining the indigenous response to HIV/AIDS. While this training is HIV/AIDS specific, it can be tailored to other target and priority populations involved in the healing journey. ea@accesswave.ca