Aim and Scope

Journal of Clinical Radiology and Case Reports is an open-access journal publishing exclusively case reports that feature diagnostic imaging. Categories during which case reports are often placed include the system, spine, central systema nervosum, head and neck, cardiovascular, chest, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, multisystem, pediatric, emergency, women's imaging, oncologic, normal variants, medical devices, foreign bodies, interventional radiology, medicine, molecular imaging, ultrasonography, imaging artifacts, forensic, anthropological, and medical-legal.

Journal of clinical radiology and case Reports provides a platform for innovative research, new concepts, and novel developments in the application of informatics tools to solve the related issues in that field and deals with the advances on both fundamental and applied research in various branches of radiology and allied areas such as radiation oncology and interventional radiology. Radiology subspecialties like breast imaging, cardiovascular radiology, neuroradiology, chest radiology, emergency radiology, gastrointestinal (GI) radiology, genitourinary radiology, musculoskeletal radiology, pediatric radiology, head, and neck radiology. Articles must be well-documented and include a review of the acceptable literature. Because all articles during this journal are free and open for everybody to read, authors must pay an article-processing fee upon acceptance.