Ajit SinghAssociate Professor, School of Biosciences, Faculty of Science,
The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus; Tel: (+60) 122396105; E-mail: ajitsingh66@yahoo.com; Ajit.Singh@nottingham.edu.my
Scientist/Teacher with progressive experience as Crop Agronomist/Cropping Systems Specialist and Biometrician. Attained Doctorate in Agronomy with focus on Cropping Systems (Legume-cereal Rotations) Soil Fertility Management using residue management techniques, Masters in Agronomy and Bachelors in Agriculture. Professional background encompasses teaching, supervision and research, with primary concentration on field crop management. Research interest includes biological N fixation and N balance in a legume (underutilized) based intercropping and crop rotation systems. Current important projects include biological nitrogen fixation in oil palm (non-legume) using the GD bacteria and N balance in an intercropping system in oil palm. Also of interest is climate change and crop production, seed technology. Authored 50 publications in local and international scientific Journals, 42 in Conference Proceedings and seven in Workshops and supervised 41 postgraduate and 40 undergraduate students.
Research Interest
Primary concentration on field crop management. Skills include field-based and laboratory research studies in Agronomy, Soil Science, Forage Crops, Nutrition, Plant and Soil analysis techniques (particular reference to nitrogen) and data analysis using Statistical Analysis System (SAS), SPSS and Genstat.