Role of financial management in organization (A Case study of industrial area district Anantnag)

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Finance management is in high priority to maximize the overall strength of the outsiders of the company, like investors and shareholders, basically profit maximization is the core objective of any business concern in order to distribute the same among the equity shareholders. Financial management is actually mean planning, organising, controlling and directing financial resources of the business concern in the manner of right way to secure the future and overcome the new market challenges as-well, basically it is well-known function of financial manager to allocate and procure the funds of company and this is the only reason behind the success of any business concern but most importantly it needs a deep knowledge of internal and external environment of the business as-well and in this research study I will highlight the importance of financial management with the help of  sampling area, the data will be collected through the proper questionnaire and will be distributed among the respondents and statistical tools will be applied for sake of data analysis  this study will enriches the  Quality of information about the financial management in order to provide the clear understanding about the said subject among the readers.

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