Present and Future Collaborative Drug Discovery Informatics Innovations

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Collaborative Drug Discovery (CDD) provides a whole solution for today’s biological and chemical data needs, differentiated by ease-of-use and superior collaborative capabilities. CDD Vault® software includes Activity & Registration, Visualization, Inventory, and ELN capabilities. Researchers can archive, mine, and securely collaborate within CDD Vault. Collaborative hypothesis generation and evaluation allow multiple perspectives for multi-parameter optimization.
CDD’s Research Informatics Group invents bleeding edge technologies. For example, the recently developed BioHarmony data store provides real-time semantic drug reports online at In addition, BioHarmony Annotator allows more sophisticated assay registration and management.
Case studies will be shared from industry (Jubilant Biosys), government (NIH Neuroscience Blueprint), non-profit (Gates Foundation), and numerous leading academic collaborations.

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