Heat treatment of camel milk affects alpha-amylase, five-lipoxygenase activity, and insulin content

Maha Hamouda
University of Gabes, Tunisia

Received: June 08, 2022; Accepted: June 15, 2022; Published: June 23, 2022

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Several studies demonstrate the potential benefits of camel milk in many health issues and diseases with significant anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory properties. However, limited data are present in the literature on the thermal effect on camel milk biological activities. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the changes in anti-inflammatory and alpha amylase activities and insulin content of camel milk after thermal treatment. Methods: Camel milk were collected from the experimental herd of the Livestock and Wildlife laboratory (Arid Lands Institute, Medenine, Tunisia). Insulin ELISA Kit was procured from Demeditec (Germany). The anti-inflammatory activity and the α-amylase inhibitory activities was tested in vitro on the different heat-treated camel milk. Results: The anti-inflammatory activity of camel milk was affected by the heat treatment at high temperature. The inhibition results of alpha-amylase as indicator for antidiabetic activity was significantly lower in boiled milk compared to fresh milk (Control). There was also a significant difference in the insulin content in heat-treated groups when compared with the control group (fresh milk). In fact, the concentration of insulin in milk decreases by increasing the temperature of the heat treatment. Conclusion: The pasteurization at a temperature of 63°C of camel milk could be the suitable alternative to preserve the anti-inflammatory activity, the antidiabetic properties and the insulin content of camel milk for a longer time.

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