ISSN : 2349-3917
Osamh Alrouwab1*, Dheba Mansour2and Mahmoud Gargotti3
1Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Zawia, Zawia,Libya
2Department of Zoology, Faculty of Sciences, Aljafra University, Almamura, Libya
3Faculty of Medicine, Department of Microbiology, University of Zawia, Zawia, Libya
Received Date: September 24, 2021; Accepted Date: October 08, 2021; Published Date: October 15, 2021
Citation: Alrouwab O (2021) Evaluating Efficiency of Some Exact String-Matching Algorithms on Large-Scale Genome. Am J Compt Sci Inform Technol Vol.9 No.9: 112.
Exact string-matching algorithms have become very supreme in many bioinformatics tools. Despite the abundance and diversity of such algorithms, exposing them to real-time experimental analysis has been critical. This study was conducted to evaluate the efficiency of ten exact-string matching algorithms on large-scale genomic sequences from a runtime perspective. To define the most efficient algorithms are qualified to handle the short alphabet used for nucleic acid coding. The methodology promoted for this study was the factorial experiment with Randomized Complete Block Design (FRCBD). Under influence of four independent parameters, four levels of pattern lengths, four levels of pattern indices, two levels of programming languages, and ten levels of algorithmic architecture. The yield of the tested algorithms was calculated in nanoseconds. One-way ANOVA and Two-way ANOVA tests with post-hoc Games-Howell test were used separately for statistical analysis. In this study two widely accepted programming languages, C# and JAVA were used to speculate the possible effect of programing language on algorithm performance.
Exact-string matching algorithm; Factorial design; One-way ANOVA; Two-way ANOVA; Games-Howell test
Admittedly, string-matching is an essential problem-solving technique, encountered by specialists from various disciplines e.g. Data mining, artificial intelligence, and Bioinformatics [1]. Oodles of algorithms and methods have been announced for pattern recognition, and there are abundant applications and online servers that can achieve precise string matching on biological data [2]. The methodologies that endorse the recognition of the patterns contrast greatly, owing to the obvious variations in algorithmic architecture [3]. Generally, string matching algorithms could be broadly classified into five distinct classes: (a) algorithms used to resolve the problem by character comparisons, (b) algorithms that depend on the use of automatic probabilistic simulation, (c) non-probabilistic simulation algorithms, (d) constant-space algorithms, and (e) real-time algorithms [4]. The more traditional and the humblest match approach are to equate the pattern characters with the characters in the target text. This implementation was offered by the so-called Naïve or Brute-Force algorithm [5]. Text or pattern has not been pre- processed by this algorithm. Its time complexity in the worst case is O (nm), where m and n apply to pattern and text length correspondingly. Subsequently, numerous algorithms have made formidable enhancements on Brute-Force time scheming. The worst-case, lower bound of the string-matching problem is O (n). The first algorithm to reach the bound was given by Morris and Pratt in the early [6] later improved by Knuth. Linear algorithms that are based on bit-parallelism were announced by Baeza-Yates and Manber Xian-Feng et al. presented the KMPBS algorithm, a hybrids algorithm based on Boyer–Moore (BM) and The Knuth- Morris-Pratt (KMP) algorithm. The text T is scanned from left to right for the given pattern P of length m. When searching, the very last character of P is compared to the corresponding character of text T, and the KMP algorithm is then used to compare the remainder of the characters if there is a match [7-29]. Cao et al. [7] formulated a character-based string matching algorithm that computes the statistical likelihood of each English letter in the pattern string based on its unique position in the pattern string. To calculate the mathematical likelihood and dynamic condition of each character in the pattern string, the suggested methodology utilizes optimization based on a high decision. Hakak et al. announced a novel exact-string matching methodology published in a research paper entitled "A new split based searching for exact pattern matching for natural texts"[8-10]. In this technique, the assigned pattern is split into two chunks. To enhance the search strategy, only the second chunk of the pattern is searched using a brute-force methodology against the given text. When the second chunk of the pattern is detected, the first chunk of the pattern is directly mapped based on the location of the second chunk. The number of biology texts-based info collected these days is generally increased at a pace rising [11]. Hence, the answer to the question, what is the algorithm that can be relied upon from the perspective of reliability and productivity among this tremendous momentum of available algorithms become an imperative necessity. The methodology espoused for this experiment was the so-called Factorial experiment with FRCBD, to cope with the interaction between the predetermined factors [12]. This experiment was contemplated while building the Bioinformatics library. The question then what is the most suitable exact string-matching algorithm for invoking biological data. Due to time constraints at that period, the Boyer–Moore algorithm was implemented and that it was not possible to make a comparison between the algorithms. Strategically, the roadmap for this study was to assess the productivity and effectiveness of some exact-string matching algorithms from a time-consuming outlook. For reliability, four independent factors were adapted, namely the length and the index of the pattern, the algorithm type and the programing language. To estimate the anticipated effect of those factors on the performance of each algorithm separately under the same experimental conditions [13]. Finally, the resulted data interpreted statistically in an accurate and unbiased manner. More specifically, in the current study six hypotheses were examined: (a) Hypothesis 1: All the algorithms have equal run time on average, (b) Hypothesis 2: pattern length does not affect searching speed on average. (c) Hypothesis 3: Algorithm type and pattern length are independent or the real impact of interaction is not prevalent, (d) Hypothesis 4: pattern position does not affect searching speed on average, (e) Hypothesis 5: Algorithm type and pattern position are independent or the real impact of interaction is not prevalent, (f) Hypothesis 6: programing language does not affect searching speed on average. The main goal of this paper is to evaluate the performance of some exact-string matching algorithms in terms of processing time, as well as to measure the impact of some factors that may affect the search result on a limited alphabet used to encode Deoxyribonucleic Acid [14].
System participants
The dataset: The data on Clostridium botulinum strain DFPST0029 chromosome (accession ID: NZ_CP028842), has been retrieved from online, publicly accessible databases, the Entrez Gene databases from The National Center for Biotechnology Information, during January 29, 2021. The FASTA sequence file was equipped with 3858511 DNA base-pair and used as target text [15].
Search patterns: Sixteen randomized pattern groups were configured to represent the contrast in position and length levels to simulate realistic algorithm operating conditions (Table 1). Firstly, to investigate the impact of sequence length on the profitability of the algorithm, the length was subsequently extended four times. The mean of the pattern length was 3500 (SD=3341.66). Lastly, to gauge the influence of the pattern site on algorithm run time, the pattern length was set to four positions that represented the topographic regions of the target text. The mean of the pattern position was 921542.60 (SD=994136.98) [16].
Position ID | Position Index | Length ID | Pattern length |
P1 | 0 | L1 | 500 b.p |
P2 | 286170 | L2 | 1500 b.p |
P3 | 1200000 | L3 | 4000 b.p |
P4 | 2200000 | L4 | 8000 b.p |
Table 1: Pattern sets.
Software and operating system
The benchmarks have all been performed on Intel (R) Core (TM) i5-3470 CPU; 3.20 GHz and 16 GB DDR3 RAM. The operating system used for the benchmarks was Microsoft Windows 10 64- bit. Two compilers were recruited to measure the anticipated effect of the programing language on algorithm execution time. The C# from Microsoft using NET Framework 4.5.2 and JAVA(™) SE Development Kit 11.0.9 (JDK 11.0.9) from Oracle Corporation [17].
Bio-statistical experimental design: The study was established in a Factorial randomized complete block design fashion. All algorithms were subjected to uniform conditions in terms of the input sequence, the patterns, and the hardware [18]. The design of the experiment encompassed four independent factors: the programing language (two levels; C# or JAVA); the exact string- matching algorithm used to detect search pattern (ten levels; Brute Force, Backward-Oracle-Matching, Raita, Horspool’s, Rabin Karp, Berry-Ravindran, Zhu-Takaoka, Simon, Maximal-Shift or Two-Way Algorithm); the pattern position (four index levels; P1=0, P2=286170, P3=1200000 or P4=2200000); and pattern length (four levels; L1=500 b.p, L2=1500 b.p, L3=4000 b.p or L4=8000 b.p) resulting in a total of three hundred and twenty possible treatment combinations (N=320). Execution time for each algorithm measured in nanoseconds was assigned as the dependent response variable (Figure 1).
Statistical analyses of the data: All statistics were performed using the IBM SPSS 22 statistical package. To eliminate system interruptions all unnecessary running processes were halted, the same empirical restrictions were applied to all algorithms [19]. The data normality was tested using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tests. Means were compared using a one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and two-way ANOVA. Finally, a post- hoc test was conducted by the Games-Howell test (Figure 2).
Interpretation of SPSS results
ANOVA table was determined by SPSS visualizing the p-value for the main effects (algorithm type, pattern position, pattern length, and programing language) and their interactions. An appropriate 95% Confidence Interval (CI) was given. A p-value of less than .05 implies a statistically significant main effect or effect of the interaction [20].
This study intended to conduct a robust experiment, to assess the effectiveness of several exact-string matching algorithms under distinct variables. Ten exact-string matching algorithms were subject to unbiased tests. The data reported in this study have been achieved by a factorial RCBD experiment and subjected to statistical factorial analysis to measure the main effects of the four independent factors [21].
Effect of algorithm type on execution time
The descriptive statistics consorted with confidence intervals (CI 95%) across the ten algorithm type groups are proclaimed (Table 2). As depicted the Backward-Oracle-Matching algorithm was linked with the numerically least mean level of execution time confidence (M=24253831) and the Berry-Ravindran algorithm was associated with the numerically most mean level of execution time confidence (M=65723113). To test Hypothesis 1: All the algorithms have equal run time on average; a between- groups ANOVA was performed. Preliminarily, the normality of data distribution must be fulfilled to conduct the ANOVA, a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (Table 3) indicates that the means on trial follow a normal distribution, D (320)=0.145, p=.200. The assumption of homogeneity of variances was measured and fulfilled on Levene's F test F (9,310)=2.73, p=.004. The independency between-groups ANOVA produced a statistically significant effect, F (9,310)=2.60, p=.007, η_p^2= .007. Thus, all relevant conclusions are in favor of rejecting the H0 for Hypothesis 1. The performance affected by algorithm type and 7% of the variance in execution time was considered for by algorithm type membership (Figure 3). To assess the nature of the variances between the means supplementary, the statistically significant ANOVA was followed-up with by the Games-Howell post-hoc tests. In order to check for individual difference between algorithm types post-hoc comparison using the Games-Howell test was selected. The results reveal that the mean score for the Brute Force algorithm (M=40777000, SD=9102098) was significantly diverged from Horspool’s (M=32954493, SD=7978283), Rabin- Karp (M=65079287, SD=12222770), Backward-Oracle-Matching (M=24253831, SD=16582280) and Simon (M=51696978, SD=14748130) algorithm. The Horspool’s (M=32954493, SD=7978283) was significantly diverged from Rabin-Karp (M=65079287, SD=12222770) and Simon (M=51696978, SD=14748130) algorithm [22]. The Zhu-Takaoka (M=31234328, SD=13230735) was significantly diverged from Rabin-Karp (M=65079287, SD=12222770) and Simon (M=51696978, SD=14748130) algorithm. The Raita was significantly diverged from Rabin-Karp (M=65079287, SD=12222770) and Simon (M=51696978, SD=14748130) algorithm. The Rabin-Karp (M=65079287, SD=12222770) was significantly diverged from Maximal-Shift (M=21891320, SD=42857463), Backward- Oracle-Matching (M=24253831, SD=16582280) and Simon (M=51696978, SD=14748130) algorithm. The Backward-Oracle- Matching (M=24253831, SD=16582280) was significantly diverged from Simon (M=51696978, SD=14748130) algorithm. The mean difference was significant at the .05 level. However, no significant difference reported between other group members [23].
N | Mean | Std. Deviation | Std. Error | 95% Confidence interval for mean | Minimum | Maximum | ||
Lower bound | Upper bound | |||||||
BF(Backward Forward) | 32 | 40777000 | 9102097.6 | 1609038.7 | 37495344 | 44058656 | 26000000 | 73000000 |
HP(Horspool) | 32 | 32954494 | 7978283.5 | 1410374.6 | 30078016 | 35830972 | 22000000 | 57000000 |
BR(Break Key) | 32 | 65723113 | 138603343 | 24501841 | 15751279 | 115694947 | 27000000 | 8.00E+08 |
TW(Term Work) | 32 | 55382887 | 69492399 | 12284637 | 30328206 | 80437569 | 29000000 | 4.00E+08 |
ZT(ZhuTakaoka) | 32 | 31234328 | 13230735 | 2338885.7 | 26464139 | 36004517 | 21000000 | 81000000 |
RT(Run Time) | 34778041 | 11037655 | 1951200.2 | 30798542 | 38757540 | 18000000 | 66000000 | |
RK(Radial Keratotomy) | 32 | 65079287 | 12222771 | 2160701 | 60672509 | 69486066 | 24000000 | 77055899 |
MS(Multiple Sclerosis) | 32 | 42857463 | 21891320 | 3869875.1 | 34964800 | 50750125 | 13007900 | 1.00E+08 |
BOM(Backward Oracle Matching) | 32 | 24253831 | 16582280 | 2931360.7 | 18275282 | 30232381 | 12481500 | 82000000 |
SMN | 32 | 51696978 | 14748130 | 2607125.6 | 46379710 | 57014246 | 37000000 | 1.00E+08 |
Total | 320 | 44473742 | 51732458 | 2891932.3 | 38784072 | 50163412 | 12481500 | 8.00E+08 |
Table 2: Performance results of tested algorithms.
Kolmogorov-Smirnov | Shapiro-Wilk | |||||
Statistic | Df | Sig. | Statistic | Df | Sig. | |
Duration | 0.145 | 320 | .200* | 0.946 | 320 | 0.427 |
Table 3: Tests of normality.
Correlation of algorithm types and pattern length
The experiment error rates have been forwarded to a two-way ANOVA with four levels of pattern lengths (L1, L2, L3, and L4) and ten levels of algorithm type. The outcomes designate that the ramifications of the algorithmic type performed a significant effect in the number of errors among suggested patterns, the results elucidated that 7.8% of variances in algorithms execution time was explicated by algorithm types (F (9,280)=2.62, p<.006, η_p2=.078). The encouragement of pattern length, responsible only for 1% of variances in algorithms runtime as the result revealed (F (3,280)=0.85, p=.47, partial η_p2 =.01). The cross- action between algorithm type and pattern length scores 10% of variance, (F (27,280)=1.10, p=.34, η_p2 =.10). All relevant outcomes are in favor of accepting the H0, for Hypothesis 2 and Hypothesis 3. The pattern length does not affect the speed of the algorithm (Figure 4) and they are independent Table 4)[24].
Source | Type III sum of squares | df | Mean square | F | Sig. | Partial Eta squared |
Algorithm | 5.998E+16 | 9 | 6.665E+15 | 2.622 | 0.006 | 0.078 |
Length | 6.51E+15 | 3 | 2.17E+15 | 0.854 | 0.466 | 0.009 |
algorithm × Length | 7.555E+16 | 27 | 2.798E+15 | 1.101 | 0.338 | 0.096 |
Error | 7.117E+17 | 280 | 2.542E+15 | |||
Total | 1.487E+18 | 320 | ||||
Corrected Total | 8.537E+17 | 319 |
Note: Intel Squared=.166 (Adjusted R Squared=.050)
Table 4: Independent variable: Algorithm type and pattern length.
Correlation of algorithm types and pattern position
A two-way analysis of variance discloses that the pattern position was statistically insignificant at P>.05. The effect of algorithmic type demonstrating that 8% of the variance in the algorithm execution time was clarified by algorithmic type (F (9,280)=2.56, p=.008, η_p2 =.08). The main impact of pattern position yielded an effect size of .01, divulge that the pattern location behind 1% of the variance in the algorithm execution time (F (3,280)=.73, p=.53, η_p2 =.01). The interaction effect between the two factors was highly insignificant (F (27,280)=.84, p=.70, η_p2 =.08), indicate that no significant combined effect was observed for algorithmic type and pattern position on algorithm execution time, responsible only for 8% of the variance [25]. All relevant outcomes are in favor of accepting the H0, for Hypothesis 4 and Hypothesis 5. The pattern position does not affect the speed of the algorithm (Figure 5) and they are independent (Table 5).
Source | Type III sum of squares | df | Mean square | F | Sig. | Partial Eta squared |
algorithm | 5.998E+16 | 9 | 6.665E+15 | 2.56 | 0.008 | 0.076 |
Table 5: Independent variable: Algorithm type and pattern position.
Correlation of algorithm types and programing language
A two-way analysis of variance was conducted on the supremacy of two independent variables (algorithm type and programing language) on the execution time [26]. The algorithm type included ten levels (Brute Force, Backward-Oracle-Matching, Raita, Horspool’s, Rabin Karp, Berry-Ravindran, Zhu-Takaoka, Simon and Maximal-Shift, Two-Way) and programing language consisted of two levels (C# and JAVA). All factors were statistically significant at the .05 significance level, except for the interaction between algorithm type and programing language. The main effect for the programing language yielded an F ratio of F (1, 300)=5.55, p=.02, indicating a significant difference between C# programing language (M=37895571, SD=16164128) and JAVA programing language (M=51051913, SD=70858720). The main effect for algorithm type yielded an F ratio of F (9, 300)=2.67, p=.005, indicating that the effect for algorithm type was statically significant, Brute Force (M=40777000.03, SD=9102097.57), Backward-Oracle-Matching (M=24253831.31, SD=16582280.02), Raita (M=34778040.63, SD=11037654.94), Horspool’s (M=32954493.69, SD=7978283.54), Rabin Karp (M=65079287.44, SD=12222770.78), Berry-Ravindran (M=65723112.56, SD=138603342.72), Zhu-Takaoka (M=31234328.09, SD=13230735.42), Simon (M=51696978.19, SD=14748129.57), Maximal-Shift (M=42857462.50, SD=21891319.54) and Two-Way (M=55382887.44, SD=69492398.66). The interaction effect was insignificant, F (9, 300)=1.43, p=.041. All relevant outcomes are in favor of rejecting the H0and accepting H1for Hypothesis 6. The type of programing language has an impact on the execution time of the algorithm (Figure 6) without observed significant interaction between algorithm type and programing language (Table 6).
Source | Type III sum of squares | df | Mean square | F | Sig. | Partial Eta squared |
Programing language | 1.385E+16 | 1 | 1.385E+16 | 5.554 | 0.019 | 0.018 |
Algorithm | 5.998E+16 | 9 | 6.665E+15 | 2.673 | 0.005 | 0.074 |
Programing language × algorithm | 3.2E+16 | 9 | 3.556E+15 | 1.426 | 0.176 | 0.041 |
Error | 7.479E+17 | 300 | 2.493E+15 | |||
Total | 1.487E+18 | 320 | ||||
Corrected Total | 8.537E+17 | 319 |
Note: Intel Squared=.124 (Adjusted R Squared=.068)
Table 6: Independent variable: Algorithm type and programing language.
This study approached the problem from the exact-string matching factor of perspective. To make a definitive distinction between the productivity of frequently accepted exact string-matching algorithms on nucleotide alphabet. Essentially, throughout molecular investigations, scanning for oligonucleotides patterns was considered a commonly performed task. DNA antisense, microarray, gene cloning, and polymerase chain reaction analyses all need to be performed a string-matching in one form or another. Constructing an application based on reliability, productivity, and suitability for genomic sequences requires distinctiveness between available algorithms and selecting the best.
The outcome of algorithm design on runtime
The influence of algorithm architectural design on the runtime of exact-string matching algorithms was widely discussed in prior studies [27]. According to Christian and others reported that the Boyer-Moore-Horspool algorithm which does preprocess on search patterns performed better on short patterns than the naïve algorithm which lacks the preprocessing step [28]. Simone and Thierry addressed the exact string-matching problem in an elaborate experiment; their results reveal that for various alphabet sizes and pattern lengths the efficiency of algorithms is quite diverse [29]. Furthermore, AbdulRazzaq concluded the impact of algorithm architecture was the cornerstone that affected the performance of some exact string-matching algorithms. It is obvious from the related literature reviews, that the algorithm architecture appears to have an influential role in performance at the time of implementation. The awaited significance of algorithm design was formulated as a Hypothesis 1 in this study. The best performance in the current study was scored by the Backward-Oracle-Matching algorithm (Figure 7). It’s an automaton on a word p, the sequence of letters taken in an alphabet Σ, that combination called factor oracle. The Two-Way algorithm ranked second in terms of performance. It’s a variant of the Boyer-Moors algorithm. The rest of the algorithms have a fairly close performance, except for both the Berry-Ravindran and the Rabin-Karp respectively had a poor performance [30]. The results recorded in this experiment are consistent with past findings, which prove the existence of an effect of algorithm design on runtime.
The outcome of the programming languages on runtime
To our understanding, this is the first study to evaluate the effect of the programming language type on run time for the exact string- matching algorithms. A hypothesis was verbalized, Hypothesis 6. To estimate the probable consequence of a programming language type on the algorithm's run time. The results gained were in courtesy of accepting the alternative hypothesis. The C# provides better performance than JAVA superior by 75%.
Monitoring the efficiency of exact string-matching algorithms in terms of performed tasks (e.g. palindrome sequence, and fingerprint detection) and categorizing them by productivity rather than the methodologies used are challenging. However, putting the focus on particular tasks assists the researcher to improve or implement only specific algorithms instead of randomly selecting the algorithms.
In this study, the fastest algorithms were Backward-Oracle- Matching, Zhu-Takaoka, and Horspool’s respectively. The architecture of the algorithm plays a critical role in the performance. Moreover, the C# programming language provided an outstanding performance superior to the Java language and verified that the programming language has an effective role in the run time of the algorithms under trial. No pattern-related influence has been shown, either on the length of the pattern or on its positioning on the target text, as contrasted to any previous studies that indicate the remarkable effect of this factor. Finally, we strongly recommended adding new algorithms to evaluate their performance. Additionally, expanding the scope of the possible factors that may interfere with the performance of algorithms run time, such as the operating system and the alphabet in future studies.