Enhancing Community Interactions at Contaminated Sites through Environmental Research Translation

Daniachew Edemariam*

Department of Environmental Science, Mekelle University, Mekelle, Ethiopia

*Corresponding Author:
Daniachew Edemariam
Department of Environmental Science,
Mekelle University,
E-mail -daniamari9856@gmail.com

Received Date: April 07, 2021; Accepted Date: April 21, 2021; Published Date: April 28, 2021

Citation: Edemariam D (2021) Enhancing Community Interactions at Contaminated Sites through Environmental Research Translation. Glob J Res Rev Vol.8 No.S2:003.

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This paper presents a method to conduct a systematic literature review (SLR) and meta-analysis studies on environmental science. SLR is a process that allowed to collect relevant evidence on the given topic that fits the pre-specified eligibility criteria and to have an answer for the formulated research questions. Meta-analysis needs the use of statistical methods that can be descriptive and/ or inferential to summarizing data from several studies on the specific topic of interest. The techniques help to generate knowledge from multiple studies both in qualitative and quantitative ways. The usual method has four basic steps: search (define searching string and types of databases), appraisal (pre-defined literature inclusion and exclusion, and quality assessment criteria), synthesis (extracts and categorized the data), and analysis (narrates the result and finally reaches into conclusion) (SALSA). However, this work added two steps which are research protocol (define the research scope) and reporting results (stating the procedure followed and communicating the result to the public) at the initial and last step, respectively.


Climate change; Environmental health; Predisposition


The characterization and remediation of contaminated sites are complex endeavors fraught with numerous challenges. One particular challenge that is receiving increased attention is the development and encouragement of full participation by communities and community members affected by a given site in all facets of decision-making. Many disciplines have been grappling with the challenges associated with environmental and risk communication, public participation in environmental data generation, and decision-making and increasing community capacity. The concepts and methods developed by these disciplines are reviewed, with a focus on their relevance to the specific dynamics associated with environmental contamination sites [1]. The contributions of these disciplines are then synthesized and integrated to help develop Environmental Research Translation (ERT), a proposed framework for environmental scientists to promote interaction and communication among involved parties at contaminated sites. This holistic approach is rooted in public participation approaches to science, which includes: a transdisciplinary team, effective collaboration, information transfer, public participation in environmental projects, and a cultural model of risk communication [2].

The mixed methods evaluation approach of using both closedended and open-ended survey questions, in addition to soliciting open-ended reflections from participants and facilitatorscientists, provided a comprehensive understanding of the training experience and outcomes from multiple perspectives. Additionally, facilitating trainings sequentially in four different communities provided valuable process feedback that allowed for continuous improvements [3].

Post-preparing reviews were controlled quickly following the preparation experience, which restricts our comprehension of how the preparation may have added to member information, abilities, and activities on a more drawn out term. Furthermore, all information was self-announced, which presents the opportunities for member predisposition. For instance, members may have felt prevalent difficulty to line up with favorable to ecological standards present in the preparation content.

Results uncover a few restrictions with the review instruments utilized and advise suggestions for future overview plan. The thirteen study addresses testing natural science information were explicitly intended to change in style and trouble. Notwithstanding, shut finished inquiries 9 and 10 offered little benefit as practically all members addressed effectively both pre-and post-preparing, proposing that the outcomes may be expected to "simple" question plan as opposed to member information [4].


This investigation uncovers an extraordinary way to deal with both expanding EHL in ecological wellbeing hazard networks and opening the entryway for local area scholarly organizations for natural wellbeing exploration and activity. Albeit this in-person approach requires an extensive time responsibility from both college specialists and local area individuals, the two players profit by the speculation. Local area individuals increment EHL explicit to nearby dangers, network with others inspired by natural wellbeing learning and activity, construct associations with college specialists, and advise the course regarding future exploration. College specialists share their expert information straightforwardly with those for whom it is most actually important, form associations with potential future examination colleagues, and learn neighbourhood information and setting to educate future investigation. In this investigation, consciousness of social (setting, language, social convictions) was the most basic part of a fruitful preparing project to build EHL. By meeting individuals from ecological wellbeing hazard networks "where they're at", straightforwardly, scholastics position themselves to work close by general society for more prominent effect of their examination.


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