Editor-in-Chief Encouragement to do Research and Publish

Ramalingam Shanmugam*

Honorary Professor of International Studies, School of Health Administration, Texas State University, USA

*Corresponding Author:
Ramalingam Shanmugam
Honorary Professor of International Studies
School of Health Administration
Texas State University, 601 University Drive
San Marcos, TX 78666, USA
Tel: (512)2459772
E-mail: rs25@txstate.edu

Received date: October 23, 2016; Accepyed date: October 24, 2016; Published date: November 04, 2016

Citation: Shanmugam R. Editor-in-Chief’s Encouragement to do Research and Publish. Glob J Res Rev. 2016, 3:1.

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Needless to emphasize is that express what one thinks as much as think before what one wants to express. An ancient saying is “numbers and alphabets” are synonymous to eyes to visualize and conduct life. The word “numbers” personifies quantitative reasoning. The word “alphabets” portrays verbal reasoning. One without the other among quantitative versus verbal reasoning causes any communication is incomplete. In personal life or professional life, “numbers and alphabets” play a vital role to disseiminate thoughts and tools. Even in the current 21st century as much as in earlier centuries, to function effectively and efficiently, professsionals in health, medical, engineering, scientific, business, economic, administrative or social disciplines ought to have both quantitative and verbal communication skill, knowledge and expertise in to comprehend or communicate.

High level comprehension and communication of research thoughts in manuscripts increase the probability for the manuscript to get accepted. The concepts or methodologies might be wonderful but the manuscript is not accepted when the quantitative reasoning or the verbalization of the contents are imprecise. The editor-in-chief and referees do look for three Cs and they are clear, correct and current. Of course, preparing a manuscript with a validation of the three Cs is not easy or straight forward but is not impossible nor non-attainable.

The clarity in the manuscript is more often than not an engine to drive manuscript towards acceptability of the manuscript by the editorial team (compresing editor-in-chief, associate editors, and referees). Some might argue that so called “clarity” is a subjective issue. To minimize the bias with respect to clarity, this journal as other journals practice double blinding (that is, referees are not provided the author details such as name, affiliation etc. and withholding of details to the author about the referee’s name, affiliation etc.).

The correctness of the contents is the sole responsibility of the author(s) of the manuscript. Before submitting, checking out by the authors the correctness of the expressions, algorithms, definitions, illustrations or any content in the manuscript enhances the probability to recommend positively for publication by the referees and the eventual acceptability of the manuscript by the editor-in-chief.

The theme of the manuscript ought to be about a current topic. Reading journal articles and books in the literature and keeping up with the developments in the topic of the manuscript are necessities for the authors to incorporate them in the manuscript to qualify for the litmus test of currentness.

The selected manuscripts to appear in this special volume have passed the requirement of three Cs. The readers of the Global Journal of Research and Review would certainly enjoy reading them.

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