Does fever increase or decrease blood circulation?


This is the first time many people have heard such a question. When it comes to treating back pain, neck pain, and knee pain, it is often heard that the cause of the pain is reduced blood flow. A variety of heat-inducing devices are used to increase blood flow to the lower back, neck, and knee pains. Physiotherapy often provides more heat than fever. To this day, no one has heard that fever is caused by poor blood flow. As the disease progresses, blood flow decreases. Body tingling, body aches, and narrowing of the blood vessels under the skin are the signs, symptoms, and signals of decreased blood flow. Signs, symptoms, and signals of decreased blood flow show before the onset of fever. When the disease becomes a threat to life or organs blood circulation decreases, Temperature of fever will emerge to increase prevailing blood circulation. It is a well-known fact that as the disease progresses, blood flow decreases and this can lead to death. When there is a decrease in blood flow and its signs, symptoms, and signals, the immune system do actions to increase blood flow to save lives. It has been proven around the world that all types of heat increase blood flow. The heat of the fever increases the blood flow. Fever increases blood flow, which means more lymphocytes flow through lymphoid tissues. If the heat of the fever increases the blood flow, reducing the heat reduces the blood flow. It will increase inflammation and infection and finally, death will occur.

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