Disrupted Alpha-Ketoglutarate Homeostasis: Understanding Kidney Diseases from the View of Metabolism and Beyond

Zhen-Nan Ye
Hospital of Guangdong Medical University, China

Received: June 07, 2022; Accepted: June 14, 2022; Published: June 21, 2022

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Alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) is a key intermediate of various metabolic pathways including the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, anabolic and catabolic reactions of amino acids, and collagen biosynthesis. Meanwhile, AKG also participates in multiple signaling pathways related to cellular redox regulation, epigenetic processes, and inflammation response. Emerging evidence has shown that kidney diseases like diabetic nephropathy and renal ischemia/reperfusion injury are associated with metabolic disorders. In consistence with the metabolic role of AKG, further metabolomics study demonstrated a dysregulated AKG level in kidney diseases. Intriguingly, earlier studies during the years of the 1980s and 1990s indicated that AKG may benefit wound healing and surgery recovery. Recently, interest in AKG is arising again due to its protective role on healthy ageing, which may shed light on developing novel therapeutic strategies against age-related diseases including renal diseases. This review will summarize the physiological and pathological properties of AKG, as well as the underlying molecular mechanisms, with a special emphasis on kidney diseases.

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