Conventional vs. Microwave Heating in Combustion Synthesis of Ca-Mn Perovskite Used in MgO Nano catalyst for Biodiesel Production

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In the present article, MgO/Ca2Mn3O8 nanocatalyst
was utilized in the transesterification process
for engenderment of green fuel from sunflower oil.
Besides, the synthesis of the layered nanostructured
Ca2Mn3O8 support was carried out by combustion
method. The effect of two heating approaches including
muffle furnace and microwave irradiation was
investigated on the characteristics of calcium-manganese
commixed oxide utilized as the fortification
of the MgO active phase. Both of the synthesized
nanocatalysts were characterized by different techniques.
The nanocatalyst engendered by the microwave
irradiation combustion method scored the best
performance. This nanocatalyst exhibited opportune
morphology, higher porosity, and better distribution
of particles compared to the synthesized sample in
muffle furnace. This justified the positive influence
of microwave irradiation on the catalytic properties.

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