An Opinion on Gender Equality in Nursing

Robert Mitchell*

Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany

*Corresponding Author:
Robert Mitchell
Department of Clinical Psychology,
University of Freiburg, Freiburg,

Received Date: December 8, 2021; Accepted Date: December 22, 2021; Published Date: December 22, 2021

Citation: Mitchell R (2021) An Opinion on Gender Equality in Nursing. J Nurs Health Stud Vol. 6 No.4:12.

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Gender in Nursing is an inevitable contestation that the society still questions. Although both genders are connected and equal to each other, they still retain different traits and proficiency that uplifts one to be more effective and dependable in the field. First, nursing is fondly dominated by women and is still now, known as “women’s work”. Moreover, men’s entry into nursing has been considered insignificant, in History, it's admitted that men started and dominated the nursing field as they were viewed as “ pure” enough to be trained as nurses. Second, women are common to acquire thoughtful, emotional and homely caring characteristics, while men are more spontaneously instrumental, balanced, and experimental.

Gender discrimination is frequently significant in males than women as they were described as “Male nurses” rather of being known as a real nurse. Despite this, males still continue to pursue their nursing career and push themselves against the walls of discrimination and stigma. Stereotypically, women are known for their characteristics as caring, suggestive and understanding which considered as the main advantage of women in getting a better nurse than males. Still, in reality, these attributes aren't only held by women but for both sexes. Males can clearly give care to its patients as they portray themselves strong and caring at the same time. According to College of Health Care, some manly cases frequently don't want to appear weak and vulnerable in front of a feminine nurse, and does might feel more comfortable in the presence of a man. In addition, joker’s physical trait of strength compared to ladies contributes a great help in nursing care similar as when a patient needs to be transferred. Female nurses will tend to ask for the helping hand of male nurses in order to transfer a patient with safety. Also, males are paid further in the nursing area since some female nurses may leave the force to have children and males have to continue working from this absence.

Male nurses are as competent as female nurses, but female nurses have all the positive advantages in the nursing field as the society look up to the whole conception of nursing as a women’s work. Males have to prove themselves to the society as their perspective regarding male nurses is genderless bias. Breaking through these walls make a better society and better understanding of what nursing really is to watch. Males are less appreciated in society, but they're the one who's reckoned on when a female nurse have to leave the work force. Their physical and internal capabilities are what make them a better nurse as they outshine not only in physically taking care of a patient but also they're suitable to critically think and decide a situation. Despite being outnumbered in the area, male nurses still are more competitive and effective than female nurses as they're able of doing the job of both genders.

Moreover females are more compatible for the role of nurse and coming to the men they also give their strong effort and potential support to help the patients in carrying and lifting them.

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