
The influence of internet in the increased suicides among young male homosexuals


The figures on suicide among young people have been increasing in most countries around the world, especially among LGBTI people. Some researches show that a gay man has five to 11 times more possibility to commit suicide than a heterosexual of the same gender and age. The study we are working on tries to understand why it has been increasing and the influence of social media on that. The subject bellow is what author working on right now. It will be finished by March. For my previous research I interviewed 1516 people and presented the results in more than 10 Congresses all over the Globe (from Oxford University to Istambul, from Brazil to Poland) – if you accept my paper, that will be my international 'debut' on the subject (I have already spoke about the subject in an International Congress in Prague, but without the final figure ).

Author(s): Marcelo Pombo Novaes Fernands

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