
Screening of Fungicidal Activity of Salix and Triumfetta Species of Garhwal Himalaya

The aim of present study is to find out fungicidal activity of salix babylonica and triumfetta pillosa. Plant extract was mixed in sterilized distilled water to make the desired concentration (v/v) for experiments. Poisoned food technique was used to screen different plant extracts in vitro. Different concentrations (2, 5, 10, and 20%) of plant extracts were incorporated to Oat meal Agar medium for inoculation of the test pathogen in sterilized petridishes. The isolated pathogen grown on Oat meal agar medium was placed at the center of petridishes containing different concentration of the poisoned medium and incubated at 28±1°C for 8 days. Radial growth (cm) of fungus was measured after inoculation till 8 days at an interval of 24 hours

Author(s): S.C Sati, Harpreet Singh, P.P Badoni and M.D Sati

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