
Role of Green Tea on Cadmium Toxicity on Haematological Profile of Albino Rats

The aim of present work is to investigate the effects of green tea on some blood parameters of male albino rats with cadmium toxicity. 24Male albino rats were divided into 4groups, 6 normal rats and 18 cadmium intoxicated rats. Group 1 without treatment (controls), group 2 treated with cadmium, group 3 and group 4 treated with cadmium and green tea. Group (1) was fed on a standard diet as a control. Group (2) was fed on a standard diet and received a dose of 1mg/100g body weight. Group (3) was fed on a standard diet supplemented with 2g GTE and received a dose of 1mg cadmium chloride. Group (4) was fed on a standard diet supplemented with 4g GTE and received a dose of 1mg cadmium chloride. The experimental duration lasted for 30 days initiated from the first dose. The results showed cadmium decreased PCV (P<0.001), Hb% (P<0.001) and RBC (P<0.005) counts and elevated the TLC (P<0.005) and DLC count comparing with the control group of rats. However, the orally feeding of GTE with Cd treatment could significantly improve the changed levels of above parameters. These data suggested that, GTE possesses a protective effect on the above blood profile against the cadmium toxicity.

Author(s): Neera Singh, Poonam Rani, Manushma Gupta & Neeraj Tandan

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