Acne is a common disorder of pilosebaceous gland. It is a great challenge for the dermatologist for its complexity, prevalence and also huge range of clinical expression. Due to hormonal changes 99.5% of teenage boys and 83% of teenage girls are affected by acne which may continue throughout adolescence. Now-a-days different modern allopathic medicines viz., anti-inflammatory agents, antibiotics and comedolytic agents are developed for treatment purpose topically and systematically. But these have many side effects. Prolonged and excessive use of antibiotics may develop resistance in acne causing bacteria viz. Propionibacterium acne and Staphylococcus epidermidis. So to give relief from acne problems and also to minimize the side effects it is better to use herbal drugs than allopathic drugs. This article describes about different plants used starting from their name, their family, part used and active constituents.