
Evaluation of anti-aging effects of vitamins in Drosophila

Aging is a natural phenomenon that has attracted extensive biological research efforts in past. Interest in this area
is growing since the discovery of single gene mutations that extended the life-span of laboratory model organisms.
Many molecules have been reported to extend the life-span of laboratory model organisms. Insulin/insulin-like growth
factor controlled lifespan extension in the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans is due to some lifespan-extending
mutations. Diet restriction method can also extend the life-span of Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans. In this study
we have tested the group of vitamins (vitamin B1, B2, B9, B12 and A) by feeding them at different concentrations to
Drosophila. It is observed that vitamin B1 at 5 μM, vitamin B2 at 500, 200, 1 μM, vitamin B9 at 500, 200 μM, vitamin B12
at 500 μM, vitamin A at 1 μM, concentrations enhanced the average age of Drosophila population. Further the anti-aging
effects of aforementioned group of vitamins are needed to be explored at molecular level in Drosophila.

Author(s): Kirtypal Singh

Abstract | PDF

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